
Techniques to Solve Uniform Third Degree Equation Having Four Variables


Dr. Thiruniraiselvi Nagarajan 1Icon

Description automatically generated, Dr. Gopalan Mayilrangam 2Icon

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1 Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, M.A.M. College of Engineering and Technology, Affiliated to Anna University (Chennai), Siruganur, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India

2 Professor, Department of Mathematics, Shrimati Indira Gandhi College, Affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India


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The uniform third degree equation having four variables given by    is studied to obtain its non-zero distinct integral solutions. Substitution technique and factorization method are utilized to determine the same.


Received 15 August 2024

Accepted 18 September 2024

Published 31 October 2024

Corresponding Author

Dr. Thiruniraiselvi Nagarajan,  

DOI 10.29121/granthaalayah.v12.i10.2024.5805  

Funding: This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

Copyright: © 2024 The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

With the license CC-BY, authors retain the copyright, allowing anyone to download, reuse, re-print, modify, distribute, and/or copy their contribution. The work must be properly attributed to its author.


Keywords: Techniques, Cubic Equation, Homogeneous, Unknowns





The technological significance of uniform polynomial equations of degree three having four variables with coefficients in integers is wonderful as it is deeply related to number of problems in the theory of numbers. Particularly, the uniform cubic equation with four variables takes up a very important place that has a significant impact on the development of number theory in the realm of mathematics. It is well-known that uniform or non-uniform cubic polynomial equations have attracted many mathematicians. For example refer Diophantine Equations, Vidhyalakshmi & Gopalan. (2022) for third degree equations. It is observed in  Thiruniraiselvi & Gopalan (2021) the solutions presented by authors are erroneous.   The above problem [16] motivated us to search for varieties of solutions in integers to uniform third degree equation having  four variables  presented in Vidhyalakshmi & Gopalan (2022) through the substitution technique and factorization method.



The homogeneous cubic equation with four unknowns to be solved is



By inspection, it is seen that (1) is satisfied by the quadruples given by

 However, there are many more choices of integer solutions to (1) and the process of obtaining the same is illustrated below:

Process 1.1.1

The substitution of the linear transformations



in (1) leads to the homogeneous ternary quadratic equation






Express the integer 28 on the R.H.S. of (3) as the product of complex conjugate as shown below:



Substituting (4) & (5) in (3) and utilizing factorization, we consider



Equating the real and imaginary parts in (6), we get



In view of (2), one obtains the integer solutions to (1) to be





Note 1

       In addition to (5), the integer 28 is written as


Following the above procedure, a different pattern of integer solutions to (1) is obtained.


Process 1.1.2

Write (3) as


Assume the integer 1 on the R.H.S. of (9) as


Substituting (4), (5) & (10) in (9) and employing factorization, we consider



Equating the real and imaginary parts in (11), we have



In view of (2), one obtains the integer solutions to (1) to be


Note 2    

In addition to (10), the integer 1 is written as



Following the above procedure, one obtains varieties of solutions in integers for (1).

Process 1.1.3

The ratio form of (3) is


Solving the above system of double equations, we get





From (2), observe that (1) is satisfied by


jointly with (13).


Note 3

 One may also express (3) in the ratio forms as below:



The repetition of the above process gives three different choices of solutions in integers for (1).

Process 1.1.4

           Rewrite (3) as






Express 3 on the L.H.S. of (15) as



Substituting (16) & (17) in (15) and applying factorization, we have



Equating the coefficients of corresponding terms, we get






In view of (2), observe that (1) is satisfied by


jointly with (18).


Note 4

In (17), 3 can be expressed as


The repetition of the above process gives one more set of integer solutions to (1).

Process 1.1.5

           Rewrite (3) as






Express 1 on the R.H.S. of (20) as



Substituting (21), (22) & (17) in (20) and applying factorization, we have



Equating the coefficients of corresponding terms, we get





Taking   in the representations of u, v & p and using (2), it is seen that (1) is satisfied by


Note 5

In (22), 1 can be expressed as


The repetition of the above process gives one more set of integer solutions to (1).

Pattern 1.1.6

In (1), the option


reduces it to the homogeneous ternary quadratic equation



Express 7 on the R.H.S. of (26) to be



Use (4) & (27) in (26).  Utilizing factorization, we consider



On comparing the coefficients of corresponding terms in (6), one has


Applying (2), one obtains   corresponding solutions in integers of (1).



This article concentrates on finding different choices of solutions in integers for uniform cubic Diophantine equation having four variables. One may attempt to find solutions in integers for various forms of cubic Diophantine equations having atleast four variables.









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