


Dr. Bishnupriya Mohanty 1, Christina Racheal Noronha 2, Dr. Sangram Keshari Das 3, Avani Audumber Shinde 4


1 MD (Samhita), PhD (Basic Principle), Professor & Head, Department of Sanskrit Samhita and Siddhanta, Gomantak Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya and Research Centre, Shiroda, Goa, India

2 IV B.A.M.S, Gomantak Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya and Research Centre, Shiroda, Goa, India

3 Professor & Head, Dravyaguna Vijnana, Gomantak Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya and Research Centre, Shiroda, Goa, India

4 Goa University, India


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Food is something that is indispensable and   poisoning related to food is something that is hard to control.   In this Era of fast-moving world What we all lack is to take the correct decision to the choice of food and the lifestyle that we opt. Poisoning is a major   health concern   that is becoming more common day by day.  PCOS and infertility are one among the headlines that one gets to hear in his Era. Poisoning can be linked nowadays in a variety of areas, including junk food with chemical preservatives, various sorts of necessary products like wheat and rice, and pesticide- layered veggies. Women having various delicacies being served in the platter at a restaurant with non-veg particularly white meat can contribute to various kinds of hormonal and reproductive disorders. The chicken specifically that we eat Can have various injected hormones to gain the weight and for it to look most attractive to u but what now seems to be attractive may later gift u a disastrous future. Poultry is one such thing whose demand has increased more than ever. And with increased demand comes greediness of the poultry persons to adulterate and add to the bulk to the chicken by making them bulky as ever. With women  consuming these  delicacies, over the years have also  caused  an increase in the cases of PCOS and other reproductive diseases In Ayurvedic texts Acharya  Vagbhata and  Shushruta  define Dushi Visha as any kind of poison that originates  from inanimate (Sthavara) or animate (Jangama) sources or any artificial poison (Kritrima Visha) retained in the body after partial expulsion or detoxification, by the  Visha Hara drugs, forest fire, the wind or the sun is termed as (Dushi Visha) there are several sources of obtaining of toxins.  Such   toxins   are accumulated without eliminating through the body or remains with being the less potent inside the body for several years. All the signs and symptoms of Dushi Visha don't stand out. They appear so common that they are easily neglected by even the most intelligent doctors. Such accumulated Visha then vitiates Dosha and that leads to vitiation of different kinds of Dhatus. Here an attempt is made to understand the relation between the various hormones in poultry feed that can be correlated to Dushi Visha and its hazardous effect on female reproductive health.


Received 02 August 2023

Accepted 01 September 2023

Published 16 September 2023

Corresponding Author

Dr. Bishnupriya Mohanty,

DOI 10.29121/granthaalayah.v11.i8.2023.5235  

Funding: This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

Copyright: © 2023 The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

With the license CC-BY, authors retain the copyright, allowing anyone to download, reuse, re-print, modify, distribute, and/or copy their contribution. The work must be properly attributed to its author.


Keywords: Dushi Visha, Poultry, Hormones, Female Reproductive Health, Shodhana, Menstrual Diseases



A posion is defined as a substance which when administered, inhaled, or swallowed is capable of acting deleteriously on the body & hazardous damage to vital organs. Vishas are classified in to 2 main⁰ categories like Kritim and Akritima. Under kritrima visha two types of poisons like Gara Visha and Dushi Visha. Dietary habits have changed drastically in the last few years, especially amongst the young age group. There is a rising emphasis on poultry reared chicken and eggs in daily diet. This is because of the belief that white meat has health benefits over red meat. But is this really safe? The poultry farm has gained Commercial rearing of poultry involves use of chemicals to ensure faster growth and weight gain. These chemicals may in turn enter human body and accumulate gradually. May demonstrate adverse effects on human health.  The harmful hormones’ injected into them potentially serve as a dushi visha into the human body through the process of bio magnification. Organic arsenic compounds (roxarsone, arsanilic acid, nitarsone, and carbarsone) marks its extensive use in poultry sector for long years as they not only, accelerate its growth, prevents diseases, and also increases the bulk of the poultry. Ashish et al. (2015)


2. Aims and objectives

1)     To survey the incidence of Dushivisha   from the non-vegetarian members of the society   having white meat packaged with bulk inducing hormones.

2)     To find out the relation of Dushivisha as a and its slow progression with reproductive female diseases.

3)     To study the effects of Dushivisha on health.


The study was carried out under two headings, namely conceptual study which comprises of the review of the available literature in ancient classical texts, literature in modern science concerned with the concept of Dushi Visha. The compiled literary material has been analyzed and critically evaluated to develop the concept. To find out co-relation between dietary patterns and menstrual patterns.20 question survey amongst the female students of Gomantak Ayurvedic Mahavidhyala and Research Centre. Gupta (2019)

Questions were formulated to find out regarding the following indicators: Frequency of Poultry consumption in diet 2. Menstrual pattern 3 Menstrual flow 4. Weight gain acne & hair loss. For the survey study, the patients diseased and healthy, volunteers have been surveyed and its effects of Dushi Visha as the injections driven in the chicken stock and effect of these injections on female health was observed. Total 100 persons have been surveyed and among them, 36 are so called healthy volunteers and 64 are patients. The method adopted in this study was simple randomized selection by. A special proforma was prepared for the present study to collect the relevant data from the healthy and unhealthy group of people.

Criteria for the assessment of health status: Assessment criteria were developed on the base of the dietary patterns   pointing towards excess intake of white meat   and its impact of female and menstrual health. Health status was assessed. Joglekar (2008)


3. Results

30% of the respondents reported consuming chicken in excess of 50% or higher proportionsin total diet. Out of the high-chicken consuming group;30% had irregular menstrual cycles.

20% experienced excessive or scanty menstrual flow.

30% respondents excessively gained weight over the last few months.

More than 50% women faced moderate to severe hair loss and eruption of acne on the face. The following are injected in poultry stockade the Crude Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat, Crude fibre, Amino acids, Premixes of vitamins Toxicity Roxarsone (Arsenic compound for weight gain), Melamine (organic nitrogenous compound), Pesticides (Organophos), pesticides (Organo phosphorus). Kalpana (2014)


A diagram of menstrual cycle

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A diagram of menstrual flow

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A blue and orange pie chart

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4. Discussion

There is significant co-relation between higher consumption of Poultry chicken and reproductive disturbances. This may be attributed to the harmful contents of the poultry feed. The frequency and quantity of the consumption is also very high. This leads to accumulation of toxins in the body over a period of time. Thus, cause various adverse effects. According to Charaka, latent poison (Dushi Visha) vitiates Rasa Raktaadi Dhatus and causes minor skin diseases to diseases such as PCOS irregular menses, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea. Even Dushi Visha is also considered as low potency poison Heena Visha). Vagbhata has also endorsed the view of Sushruta. Madhava Nidana has given same explanation as that of Sushruta. But in Madhukosha commentary on Madhava author has given some clarifications regarding Dushi Visha. Cold wind (Sheetanila), cloudy days (Durdina) are considered as aggravating factors of latent poison (Dushi Visha) as they aggravate Kaphadosha and latent poison (Dushi Visha) is covered (Avrita) by Kapha. Laxity of joint (Vishlesha) and Romaharsha (Horripilation) are Vata-Kapha Lakshanas, Annamada is considered as improperly. Avipaka is clarified as improper digestion (Annasyaapaka). It is also told that, latent poison (Dushi Visha) can cause impotence. Author Bhava Mishra, in his work Bhavaprakas commentator has clarified some of the points like ‘Kaphavrutam’ by saying that the potency of hot (Ushna) minute (Sukshma), dry (Ruksha) etc. Gunas are reduced by Kapha. Because of Kapha Dosha, Avarana defective digestion (Agni Mandya) and defective metabolism (Dhatwagni Mandya) occurs which in turn leads to Apakata of latent poison (Dushi Visha) and stays for long time in the body without producing any signs and symptoms. Bacterial toxins and drugs like antibiotics, steroids and various hormonal injections used now a days for breeding animals and other various other adulterants etc, frequent food (Adhyshana), incompatible food (Viruddha Ahara), intake of food prior to digestion of food last taken (Ajeernaavastha) also come under latent poison. He adds that feces (Mala), urine (Mutra), menstrual blood (Artava), not properly discharged from the body may also become latent poison (Dushi Visha). In classics it is very well mentioned that ‘any type of poison irrespective of inanimate (Sthavara), animate (Jangama) and artificial poison (Krutrima Visha) will attain a stage called latent poison (Dushi Visha) after they divest their potency to some extent or if they are improperly expelled or partially detoxifying the body. Present food habits, lifestyle and mental attitudes etc. are entirely different from that of the past. The basic essentials of life air, food and water are all polluted and the hazards paint a gloomy picture for the coming generation. So, by considering factors such as Viruddhahar and Ahitahara, Fast foods and cold beverages like colas, Alcohol, tobacco, Drugs like quinine, NSAIDs, steroids Pesticides, metals, minerals. Mishra & Prakasa (n.d.)


5. Conclusion

Through this study we have found a    relative   connection between the hormones fed poultry and its association with the reproductive diseases in women. But concept of latent poison (Dushi Visha) is not clearly explained in many of Ayurvedic classic. But we significantly can try and look for alternatives to the poultry and also a healthy way to diet and lifestyle particularly in reproductive age. Look for alternative sources. There will be a degree of unavoidable exposure. The   lifestyle we follow today can a greater risk to oncoming generations and one’s own progeny these various chemicals one ingests through various means get accumulate through bio magnification. Hence proper Shodhana techniques are to be adopted mentioned by Ayurveda, daily Agadapana (anti-toxic drugs) and Rasayana could be beneficial. Shastri (2019), Tripathi (2019)









Ashish, B.G., Sharon, P., & Garima, S. (2015). Dushi Visha and Oxidative Stress - A Correlation. Int. J Ayu Alt Med, 3(1), 1-5.

Gupta, A. (2019). Aatanga Samgraha. Uttarsthana 40/37. Varanasi, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy, 341.

Joglekar, V.P. (2008). Textbook of Agadatantra (1st Ed.). A Rashtriya Shikshan Mandal Publication.

Kalpana, R.C. (2014). Concept of ‘Visha’ - An Ayurvedic Perspective. Int. J Ayu Alt Med, 2(3), 14-20.

Mishra, B. S., & Prakasa, B. (n.d.). Madhyam Khanda, Vol 2. Uttarardha. (7th Ed). Varanasi, Cahukhamba Sanskrit Sansthana, 744.

Shastri, A. (2019). Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta, Vol 1. Kalpa Sthana 2/33. Varanasi, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthana, 34.

Tripathi, B. (2019). Astanga Hridaya. Uttarsthana 35/5. Varanasi, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthana, 1144.








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