


Y. V. Subba Rao 1Icon

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1 University Science and Instrumentation Centre, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India




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Received 20 February 2022

Accepted 27 March 2022

Published 16 April 2022

Corresponding Author

Y. V. Subba Rao,

DOI 10.29121/granthaalayah.v10.i3.2022.4527  

Funding: This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.







The ‘Dasāvatāra’ (Ten Incarnations) of Lord Vishnu that came to eradicate wicked forces of adharma (wickedness) and restore dharma (righteousness) shows different stages of man’s evolution from aquatic life to invertebrates, vertebrates, to modern man and finally liberation of soul all by merit. The causes and processes behind the physical evolution were not deliberated in Indic philosophy where the common ancestor is Brahma. Origin of life of all species is extra-terrestrial of lower frequencies to higher frequencies occurs automatically with each rebirth until human birth while evolution and proliferation of life of all species is only on the earth. There is no life in physical form anywhere else in the cosmos save on this planet. where life in other higher worlds exist in astral form. The ‘Dasāvatāra’ (Ten Incarnations) of Lord Vishnu reflects transformative phases of spiritual progress where an ordinary person disciplines himself to evolve as a spiritually evolved person bordering on divinity and obtain liberation or ‘moksha’. The notion of 'Dasvatra' is seen to resemble Charles Darwin's theory of evolution in several ways. The first incarnation of Vishnu as a fish resembles the Silurian Period's evolutionary origin of fish. The Geological Time Scale's history of events corresponds to the Vedic timeline of ten incarnations. The first explanation of physical evolution was given by Hinduism much before Charles Darwin did.


Keywords: ‘Dasāvatāra’, Vedic Timeline, Geological Timeline, Extra-Terrestrial, Yuga, Manvantara



         “The enigma of existence is without a doubt the most persistent challenge that has ever confronted man's mind." There is no doubt that humanity has been preoccupied with the dilemma of its genesis and future since the dawn of thought, which is unquestionably the problem of life. Science's incapacity to fix it is absolute. This would be terrifying if it weren't for trust.” -- Marconi, Guglielmo.  

Science and religion in India are not inherently opposed, as they are in the West, but rather are part of the same epic search for truth and enlightenment that motivated the sages of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Thus, in the Hindu scientific approach, comprehending exterior reality necessitates comprehending the godhead as well. Religion and Science has always been debating on the topic “Creationism vs Evolution” Human beings evolved from monkeys is the claim of science in contradistinction to that of the Religion where all living beings are created by the Almighty in space under merit-based creationism and sent them to the earth for evolution at a regular timeline. Once life begin, proliferation continues till the planet is filled It is interesting to note that Earth is our



home planet and our only reference scale regarding life in all aspects. According to the Vishnu Purana, there are a total of 8,400,000 species, divided into 2,000,000 non-mobile plants, 900,000 aquatic creatures, 1,000,000 species of birds, etc., 3,000,000 species of other creatures, etc., 400,000 species of anthropoids (Vanaras), and 400,000 species of anthropoids (Vanaras), after which the human species (Manushya) of 200,000 varieties emerges, and Man engages in purposeful activity Evolutionism in incarnations is merely a "parable of evolution," which does not embrace evolutionism but only alludes to transforming stages of spiritual development. Our sages mentioned that everything had only one ancestor – Lord Brahma. Man has had 84 lakh births as plants, animals, and lower species before becoming the ancestors of today's developed man (Padma Purna). Although reversals are acknowledged through our acts and reactions based on the principles of "Fate and Freewill" and according to "Newton's Third Law of Motion," which asserts that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, the astral body (sookshma sarira) stores the negativity and positivity of activities performed, as well as their equal and opposite reactions.


. दुर्लभं मानुष्हं जन्म प्रार्थयते त्रिदश्हैरपि

durlabhaṁ mānuṣhaṁ janma prārthayate tridaśhairapi

                                                                                                              --- (Nārad Purāṇ(v28)


Meaning: "The human shape is quite uncommon. Even the celestial gods wish for it to be realised."

The fact that Earth has such a huge moon sets it apart from other planets in our solar system. The Moon keeps the Earth's rotation axis and hence its climate stable. We can see how the biosphere and geosphere are inextricably linked on our globe (Lovelock and Margulis, 1974). It is even more interesting to note that the earth is unique with sunshine on it for flora fauna to flourish because of its magnetosphere with specific frequencies of all species of their own harmonically resonating with the earth’s magnetism except for human beings to whom the earth’s magnetism (7.83 Hz – Schuman’s Resonance) is fundamental. It is surprising to note that the first explanation of physical evolution was given by Hinduism., much before Charles Darwin did. To be precise, the ten incarnations or ‘Dasāvatāras’ of Lord Vishnu is an exceptional fact of the evolution of all species at regular timeline including the humans of their life of transformative phases of spiritual progress, advancement in civilization, consciousness, transcendental consciousness and finally obtaining liberation of soul from the death-birth cycle. The common ancestor here is the ‘Brahma’. In fact, Hindu Religion holds that even ‘souls evolve’. On the termination of the mundane existence, the physical body (stoola sarira) perishes but the sookshma sarira takes one of the two paths, namely, ‘pitryāna’ or ‘devayāna’.


शुक्लकृष्णे गती ह्येते जगतः शाश्वते मते

एकया यात्यनावृत्तिमन्ययावर्तते पुनः ॥८-२६॥

sukla-krsne gati hy ete jagatah sãsvate mate

ekayã yãti anãvrttim anyayãvartate punah

                                                                                              --- Bhagavad Gita Ch.8, Text 26

Meaning: These two world pathways, the light and the dark, are thought to be eternal; one does not return, while the other returns (Bhagavad Gita Ch.8 – Verse26).

 “Everything is vibration”. --- Albert Einstein (2014). Negativity towards fellow beings and society is natural, effortless and of a low frequency of thought while positivity is only through effort and discipline and renders high frequencies and high energy of satisfaction and contentment. Upon the death of a spiritually disciplined human being, the astral body sails to one of the six higher planets above the earth that corresponds to its frequency. After enjoying and exhausting the fruits of its meritorious actions return to the earth to be reborn earning merit-based creationism to higher level.


ते तं भुक्त्वा स्वर्गलोकं विशालं

क्षीणे पुण्ये मर्त्यलोकं विशन्ति |

एवं त्रयीधर्ममनुप्रपन्ना

गतागतं कामकामा लभन्ते || 21||

te taṁ bhuktvā swarga-lokaṁ viśhālaṁ

kṣhīṇe puṇye martya-lokaṁ viśhanti

evaṁ trayī-dharmam anuprapannā

gatāgataṁ kāma-kāmā labhante

                                                                                              --- Bhagavad Gita Ch.2, Text 27


Meaning: They return to the earthly plane once they have experienced the enormous delights of heaven and their supply of merits has been depleted. As a result, persons who do Vedic rituals in search of enjoyment come and go in this world.

Commentary: In this verse, Shree Krishna emphasises that the divine pleasures of the heavenly abodes are just transient. People who have been promoted there are sent back to the terrestrial level after they have fully enjoyed heavenly pleasures and exhausted their merits. As a result, advancement to the heavenly abodes does not satisfy the soul's endless quest. We've all been their countless times in previous lives, but the soul's need for limitless bliss has yet to be satisfied. This notion is supported by all Vedic scriptures.


तावत् प्रमोदते स्वर्गे यावत् पुण्यं समाप्यते

क्ष्हीण पुण्यः पतत्यर्वागनिछ्छ्हन् काल​-छालितः

tāvat pramodate swarge yāvat puṇyaṁ samāpyate

kṣhīṇa puṇyaḥ patatyarvāganichchhan kāla-chālitaḥ

                                                                                                          (Bhagavatam 11.10.26)


Meaning: “Heaven's inhabitants take pleasure in the celestial joys until their merits are depleted. Then, with the passage of time, they are forced to return to their lower abodes.”


स्वर्गहु स्वल्प अन्त दुखदाई

swargahu swalpa anta dukhadāī



Meaning: “Heaven is only brief, and it is followed by suffering.” 

Commentary: Maya is kicking the soul around in forgetfulness of God, much like a football is kicked all over the field. It goes to the lower abodes at times, and the upper abodes at other times. Only the human form, among the myriad of forms it obtains across the lower and higher abodes, provides the opportunity for God-realization. As a result, the scriptures declare that even the celestial gods desire to be born as humans in order to correct their prior error of going to heaven and strive toward God-realization.

Varāhamihira, Indian Astrologer and Astronomer par excellence, who lived 5th century in the court of King Vikramāditya, in one of his works, “Brihat Samhita” states that the meteorites are nothing but the forms of those who fall to be reborn after having enjoyed the fruits of their meritorious deeds in Heaven. They are divided into five categories viz. Ignescent Balls, Meteors, Thunderbolts, Lightning, and Shooting Stars (Comets) Rao (2019). Scientists of Astrobiology Division of NASA have discovered evidence supporting the theory that readymade kits of life building blocks of our DNA are available in space. It was established that meteorites contain amino acids, which are the building blocks of the body’s proteins, but now we know that meteorites also contain DNA and RNA, the building blocks of the body’s genetic material.



दुर्लभं मानुष्हं जन्म प्रार्थयते त्रिदश्हैरपि

durlabhaṁ mānuṣhaṁ janma prārthayate tridaśhairapi

                                                                                                                         (Nārada Purāṇ)


Meaning: “The human form is exceedingly rare.  Even the celestial gods pray to attain it.”  Thus, Lord Ram instructed the residents of Ayodhya:


ऋएञ् भाग मानुष्ह तनु पावा, सुर दुर्लभ सब ग्रन्थन्हि गावा

baṛeñ bhāga mānuṣha tanu pāvā, sura durlabha saba granthanhi gāvā




Meaning: “O people of Ayodhya, you have all been blessed with a human birth, which is incredibly uncommon and desired even by the occupants of heaven.” Why should we humans want advancement to the celestial abodes when celestial entities yearn for a human birth? We should instead strive for God-realization via devotion to the Supreme Lord.

The five great natural elements make up everything in the physical universe, including the human body called ‘Panchabhuta’. They are

·        space/ether > sound > ear

·        air > smell > nose

·        fire > sight/form > eye

·        water > taste > tongue

·        earth > touch > skin


These components were created in a specific order, from 'aksh' (ether) to 'prithivi' (earth), and the birth of a human being, which is extremely rare, occurs on earth with the earth's corresponding fundamental frequency, while all other species are born earth with their individual frequencies harmonically matching with that of the earth’s magnetism.

“Time alone kills, and time alone creates."” This is the unavoidable rule of time," says the author.,”


जातस्य हि ध्रुवो मृत्युर्ध्रुवं जन्म मृतस्य

तस्मादपरिहार्येऽर्थे त्वं शोचितुमर्हसि 27||

jātasya hi dhruvo mṛityur dhruvaṁ janma mṛitasya cha
tasmād aparihārye ’rthe na tvaṁ śhochitum arhasi

                                                                        --- Bhagavat Gita Ch.2, Text 27 Rao (2019)


 The panchabhutas are dissolved in the reverse sequence of their production, following the chakra system (wheels of energy) of Kundalini in a human being, analogous to DNA, extracting the soul from the base (muladhra) upwards in the final moments of death. At the point of death, subtle bodies (sookshma sarira) and souls have unlimited alternatives for their onward trip to the dimension that corresponds to how they lived their lives on Earth. According to the virtues of subtle body purity generated from one's life's activities, the subtle body rises to higher lokas, allowing one to enjoy the fruits of good actions, attain liberation, or be reborn. Liberation from enslavement is attained by an enlightened soul. Figure 1.

Figure 1  Distances to the Seven Higher Worlds with Corresponding Frequencies and Equivalent Earth Years


On the termination of their mundane existence, while the physical body perishes, the panchabhuta get back to their reservoirs, and the energy (similar to ‘atman’ or soul) of indestructible nature, in accordance with the ‘Law of Thermodynamics’ has to mix with cosmic energy matching its frequency and energy level of higher worlds or ‘lokas’ above the earth.



The Puranas are geared toward a cyclical view of time. They tell of the world's birth and destruction, as well as the yugas (ages). In one cycle, there are four yugas:Satya Yuga (a time of truth and righteousness)

·        Tretā Yuga (25% decline in truth and righteousness)

·        Dvāpara Yuga (50% decline in truth and righteousness)

·        The Kali Yuga (a time of darkness and non-virtue) (75% decline in truth and righteousness)

The length of each yuga is 4800, 3600, 2400, and 1200 years of the gods, respectively, according to the Manusmriti, one of the earliest known writings chronicling the yugas, providing a total of 12,000 divine years to complete one cycle. They are multiplied by 360 for human years, yielding 1,728,000, 1,296,000, 864,000, and 432,000 years, for a total of 43,200,000 human years. The length ratio of these four yugas is 4:3:2:1.

Srimad Bhagavatam mentioned Lord Vishnu's ten incarnations commonly known as the famous ‘Dasāvatāras’ has Rigvedic origins.. Lord Vishnu is revered as the preservation of the Universe. In the four yugas, Satyuga, Treta Yuga, and Dwpara Yuga, he reincarnated in various forms. His tenth avatar known as ‘Kalki’ is yet to appear. Dharma in each of the four yugas declines by a quarter and when adharma reaches its limits in Kaliyuga, Lord Vishnu incarnates as Kalki to restore dharma. Each of his avatars has a certain goal in mind. Furthermore, his Dasavataras of Lord Vishnu chronology or timeline is a remarkable record of the evolution of human life and progress in human civilization. J.B.S. Haldane, a famous British evolutionary biologist, was astounded by Dasvatra's "striking" resemblance to vertebrate evolution.

Matsya's pisciform nature in the sea represents the first stage of evolution. The Kurma (tortoise) and Varha (boar), respectively, represent the second and third stages of evolution, indicating the timeline from amphibians to terrestrial animals. The tortoise, on the other hand, is a four-legged reptile that can live on land and in water. The boar is an animal that has evolved to live solely on land. This represents life's passage from water to land. The Varha Avatra depicts the birth of the mammal in the guise of a wild boar. The fourth stage is half ape, which is when an animal transforms into an ape. Later, primates evolved into Hominidae, who were partially bipedal led walked on legs with still-developing brains, similar to humans. Avatr is a half-man, half-animal figure seen in Narasimha Avatr. This symbol represents the transition from animal to human form. It's worth noting that Narasimha is the one with the upper body of a lion but lower body of a man. The fifth stage is Vāmana Avatār, a dwarf man. This signifies complete transformation from ape to human with developed brain.  The sixth stage is a‘Parasuram Avatār’ as tall as present day humans with an axe in his hands and lives in woods. This marks the end of biological evolution. The seventh stage is a modern man ‘Rama Avaār’ who uses both science and technology for construction as well as destruction. He is conscious who desires to be perfect human and righteous. He is obedient to his parents with high moral values and bordering on divinity. The eighth stage is ‘Balarāma Avatār’ with a plough on his shoulders evolved as a farmer and taught the importance of agriculture to avoid thoughtless hunting of animals seriously disturbing ecology. The 9th stage is ‘Krishna Avatār’, an embodiment of divinity and astute politician. He came to this world to protect the good and punish the bad and asserted that he would appear as and when ‘Dharma’ declines and ‘Adharma’ takes centre stage. The tenth and the final incarnation marking the end of the world is ‘Kalki’ which is yet to come and appear when ‘Adharma’ reaches its pinnacle.

At some point, life on this planet will come to an end, and the cycle of creation will begin again. This cycle can go on indefinitely and it happened innumerable number of times so far. Modern cosmology models corroborated in toto with Hindu cosmological models in that the existence or nonexistence of the universe happened innumerable times and the present universe is one such.  Once life started on earth, all the life forms proliferated until it filled the entire planet since millions of years. Dasāvatār is symbolic of evolution of consciousness on this planet and explains where life came from. Darwin’s theory is ‘natural selection’ about biological life forms and the evolution on Earth. Dasāvatār origin is extraterrestrial that explains origin of life and evolution of consciousness to transcendental consciousness leading to liberation from death-birth cycle.


The planets march like an army in their orbits held by the gravity of the Sun.

“Around the ancient track marched, rank on rank

The Army of unalterable law”

                                                                                                                    -- George Meredith


We are held captivated by our own minds. For us, humans, fate and freewill is the motivator. During spiritual advancement, there comes a stage when we find that we are bereft of any choice.  Hinduism holds that even souls evolve until they finally merge in the absolute satisfying the equation E=mc2 where it is infinite energy, infinite frequency and infinitesimal wavelength matching with the “Vaikuntha Loka”, the point of “No Return” when the universe disappears to him.




J B S Haldane, a British geneticist and evolutionary biologist, argued that Dasvatr represented a "rough idea" of vertebrate evolution: a fish, a tortoise, a boar, a man-lion, a dwarf, and finally four men (Kalki is not yet born). He remarked that the Dasvatr (Lord Vishnu's 10 major avatars) are a true sequential picture of evolution's vast unfolding. These Vishnu avatrs bear an eerie resemblance to the biological hypothesis of life's evolution on Earth. The theory of human evolution! The 'Theory of Origin of Life and Evolution' was initially explained by Hinduism.

The Dasāvatāra (Ten Incarnations) of Lord Vishnu that came to eradicate wicked forces of adharma and restore dharma shows different stages of man’s evolution from aquatic life to invertebrates, vertebrates and finally to modern man, in an exact order as pointed out in Darwin’s theory of Evolution. Indic philosophy, which is in direct opposition to Darwin's Theory of Evolution, does not discuss the causes and processes that lead to physical evolution where the common ancestor is the Almighty with merit-based creationism.

The first incarnation was that of a “Fish”, an aquatic organism. The second incarnation was “Tortoise”, an amphibian. The third incarnation was “The Boar”, a vertebrate, an animal. The fourth incarnation was “The half-man, half-animal (lion)”. “Dwarf Man” an undeveloped man and the first human form, was the fifth incarnation. The sixth incarnation was “Uncouth Man” with an axe indicating livelihood in the woods. He Was utterly wild and had no control over his emotions specially his anger. The seventh incarnation was “Lord Rama”, human being bordering on divinity in the group of incarnations, an able judicious administrator and not swayed by emotions. The eighth incarnation was “Balarāma” with a plough indicating the importance of agriculture. The ninth was “Lord Krishna”, an embodiment of divinity, an astute politician to protect the virtuous and slain the wicked. The tenth and the final incarnation “Kalki” is yet to come and appear when wickedness in human beings reach the pinnacle marking his inception as the dissolution of this world only to restart again. The striking similarity between the order in which the various avatars arrived and the different stages of evolution with specific individual frequencies of species harmonically tuned to earth’s magnetism and man with a frequency fundamental to the earth’s magnetism points out how religion and science are closely interwoven.



Absolutely, there is no difference in material between living and non-living. If matter is common in both living and non-living, can we find a plausible way to define life as an emergent property of matter. We find force and energy in living whilst the same is dormant in non-living. Life is, therefore, an emergent property of matter. It is through photosynthesis that light does its magical trick: the magic of transformation of matter -- carbon dioxide and water -- into life; the magic of transformation of light into living energy that transfers from plants to all animals. What matter was synthesized by the energy of light through photosynthesis is disintegrated through decomposition and recycles into nature into original form. No story of life can be completed without de-photosynthesis. 


ब्रह्म स्वरूपमुदये मध्याह्नेतु महेश्वरम्

सायम्ध्यायेत् सदाविष्णुं त्रिमूर्तिश्च दिवाकरः

Brahma swaroopamudayae madhyāhnetu maheswaram

Sāyamdhyāyeth sadāvishnum trimurthistischa divākaraha


Sun God is the 'trinity' of Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva, who are responsible for the universe's 'preservation' and 'destruction,' respectively. Since antiquity, the selective adaptation of celestial bodies of the solar system, namely the Sun, Mercury, Venus, the Moon and its two Nodes, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn in Jyotish (Astronomy and Astrology), one of the six Vedngas (ancillary disciplines linked with the Vedas), are those that are responsible for bringing sunlight (electromagnetism) to the Earth directly from the Sun, by reflection from the planets, and for the flora and wildlife on earth to flourish, through reflection from the Moon, earth's satellite, by reflection and deflection from the outer planets, and daily regulation of moonlight strength by the Moon's nodes Planets outside Saturn's orbit are omitted in this regard since incident sunlight on them is insignificant, and reflected sunlight from them on the earth is ipso facto negligible. The zodiac's 27 moon constellations, which are equidistant along the ecliptic and are the source of all elements created in humans, are likewise adopted into its study. Planets may produce/originate living cells of specific life forms at different geological times and propelled to the earth by star dust for evolution at regular intervals of geological time scales as revealed by distinct phases in their evolution denoted in the Geological Time Scale, just as stars produce specific chemical elements at different phases in their life cycles. The origins of 'Jyotish' principles are founded on astrophysics rules, implying that Astrology is, in other words, astrobiology. Rao (2019).

The amino acids (the building blocks of life) did not degrade due to the heat and shock of the simulated collision, which could be attributed to an unseen and unbreakable shield enclosing them called spirit or Soul. It is a notion that only what can be shown by tangible evidence and tested in labs is real. Everything else is a trick of the eye or a fantasy. Science provides us with knowledge, yet knowledge is insufficient for man. For the sake of humanity's existence, he also needs intelligence and spiritual judgement.



Lord Vishnu's Dasvatras describes the cycle of human evolution, beginning with Matsya, the fish, progressing to the amphibious phase (half land and water) as Koorma, the tortoise, then to firmly established on land with a great affinity for slush and mud as Varha, the wild boar Varha, then Narsimha, half man-half animal, representing the beastly instinct in man in a metaphorical sense compared to revengeful nature,  on to Rāma, the great administrator destroying all demons in the kingdom, peaceful and  perfect man bordering on divinity in the galaxy of incarnations, followed by Balarāma, the man with the plough indicating importance of agriculture and protection of ecology; then Krishna, a loving man and astute politician who establishes righteousness and punishes the wicked, is thought to be succeeded by Lord Vishnu's ultimate incarnation, or the final stage of evolution, as Kalki, the mystical man who appears when human evil has reached a point of no return. As a result, the Incarnation hypothesis is also a depiction of the evolution of consciousness and the deliverance of mortal humanity from the unending death-birth cycle.



In chronological order, Chapter 47 of Matsya Purna, Chapter 36 Part 2 of Vyu Purna, Chapter 19 of Prabhasa Khanda of Skanda Purna, and Chapter 73 Upodgatapada of Brahmnda Purna mention the timeline of Lord's certain Avatrs. These four Purānas describe similar timeline. Beginning of Sweta Varāha Kalpa i.e., the end of previous Kshaya Kalpa - It was all great deluge and therefore Lord Vishnu incarnated in ‘Matsya Avatāra’ to save Manu from Pralaya and the Vedas from demon Hayagriva. (Srimad Bhāgavatam 8.24.7 and 8.24.8). The timeline of the 1st incarnation was end of Chakshvāku Manvanatara and beginning of Vaivasvata Manvantara evolution began in water.

There is no mention about the exact times for the 2nd and 3rd incarnations, Kurma and Varāha incarnations in Kurma Purāna and Varāha Puranās respectively.  However, the timeline for the 2nd and 3rd incarnations can be assumed as Vaivasvata Manvantara as 2nd and 3rd Treāyuga respectively.

The 2nd incarnation, Kurma or Tortoise held the weight of the mountain Mandara on his back when the Devas and the Asuras (demons) were churning the Kshira Sāgara (Milky Ocean) for Amrita (divine nectar) (divine nectar). A tortoise is an amphibian in evolution.

Varha, or the wild boar, was the third incarnation. Lord Vishnu fought a tremendous struggle with Hiranyāksha to save the Earth who had drowned it away from the Universe. With his tusks, Lord Vishnu drew the Earth from the ocean. Varha, or the boar, lives on land and has a strong preference for slush and muck on the planet's surface. It denotes the progression of evolution.

Lord Vishnu emerged as a half-man and half-lion in his fourth incarnation, Narasimha Avatra, to free Prahlda from his father, Hiranyakashyap, and destroy him to restore Dharma. (Matsya Purna Chapter 47 and Vayu Purna Chapter 36). The 4th Tret Yuga of Vaivasvata Manvanatra is the timeline for this incarnation.

Vmana Avatra, the 5th incarnation, emerged as a Dwarf to free the three lesser Lokas (worlds) Prithvi, Deva, and Patla from King Bali's hands, as well as capturing Asurs with Bali to the nether worlds during the chronology. The evolution of humans is marked by the 7th Tret Yuga of Vaivasvata Manvantara and the 10th Tret Yuga of Vaivasvtra Manvantara.

During the 19th Tret yuga of Vaivasvata Manvantara, the 6th incarnation was Parasurma Avatra, who was sent to clarify the duties of a Brahmin and a Kshatriya, as well as to kill bad Kshatriyas. He was given an axe since he was a devout follower of Lord Siva. Humans managed to survive in the forests, and an axe was one of the first weapons invented to help them do so.

During the 24th Tret Yuga of Vaivasvata Manvantara, the 7th incarnation was Rma, who was sent to destroy Demon-King Rvana, who had stolen Sita (Rma's wife). Man evolved away from the forests to develop a civilised society and government in the course of evolution.

Balarma, who is also considered an avatar and holds a plough used by farmers, was the eighth incarnation. During the 28th Dwpara yuga of Vaivasvata Manvantara, humans focused on the necessity of agriculture from an evolutionary standpoint.

During the timeline 28th Dwpara yuga of Vaivasvata Manvantara, Lord Krishna, Balarma's younger brother, emphasised the underlying reality about this path called life of births and deaths to immortality.

Kalki, the tenth and last incarnation, has yet to materialise. He is expected to arrive at the end of the Vaivasvata Manvantara's 28th Kali Yuga timeline. As time is cyclic, Kalk occurs when the world experiences the complete disintegration of justice and humanity's darkest side, sowing the seeds of a new civilisation to mark the beginning of a new Yuga.



Different stages of man’s evolution from aquatic life to invertebrates, vertebrates and finally to modern man, in an exact order as pointed out by Darwin’s theory of Evolution and the Geological Time Scale Table 1 and Figure 1, Figure 2


·        Matsya the fish, an aquatic organism – 500 - 550 MYA – PreCambrian-Silurian

·        Koorma, the tortoise, an amphibian – 358.9 – 419.2 MYA - Devonian

·        Varāha, wild boar - a vertebrate land animal – 200 - 250 MYA – Triassic

·        Narasimha- half man- half animal (lion) 66 – 56 MYA - Cretacious

·        Vāmana, the Dwarf man underdeveloped man and the First human form, complete transformation from ape to human with developed brain - 0.01 - 2.6 MYA Quarternary

·        Parasurāma, the present-day tall humans 0.01 - 2.6 MYA - Quarternary

·        Rāma, the great administrator, peaceful and perfect man bordering on divinity – Modern Man 0.01 - 2.6 MYA – Quarternary

·        Balarāma, the man with the plough 0.01 - 2.6 MYA – Quarternary


·        Krishna, a loving man as an astute politician to establish righteousness and punish the wicked 0.01 - 2.6 MYA – Quarternary

·        Kalki, the mystical man to appear



Table 1 Vedic Timeline Geological Timeline of Ten Incarnations

Sl. No.

Name of Incarnation

Vedic Timeline

Geological Timeline


Matsya (Fish) Aquatic Organism

Beginning of Vaivasvata Manvantara

PreCambrian-Silurian-500 - 550 MYA


Kurma (Tortoise) Amphibion

Vaivasvata Manvantara –2nd Tretayuga

Devonian-358.9 – 419.2 MYA


Varāha (Boar) Land Animal A vertebrate

Vaivasvata Manvantara –3rd Tretayuga

Triassic-200 - 250 MYA


Narasimha (Half Man and Half Lion)

Vaivasvata Manvantara-7th Tretayuga

Cretacious-66 – 56 MYA


Vāmana (Dwarf Man)

Vaivasvata Manvantara –10th Tretayuga

Quarternary-0.01 - 2.6 MYA


Parasurāma (Tall Man with Axe)

Vaivasvata Manvantara –19th Tretayuga

Quarternary-0.01 - 2.6 MYA


Rāma Perfect Human

Vaivasvata Manvantara –24th Tretayuga

Quarternary-0.01 - 2.6 MYA


Balarāma With Plough

Vaivasvata Manvantara –28th Tretayuga

Quarternary-0.01 - 2.6 MYA


Lord Krishna (Embodiment of Divivnity)

Vaivasvata Manvantara –28th   Dwaparayuga

Quarternary-0.01 - 2.6 MYA


Kalki (Yet to arrive)

Vaivasvata Manvantara – End of 28th   Kaliyuga

Quarternary-0.00 MYA


Figure 2 Ten Incarnations of Lord Vishnu


Figure 3  Geological Time Scale



There is no material difference between living and non-living things. Light performs its amazing trick through photosynthesis: the transformation of substance (carbon dioxide and water) into life; the transformation of light into living energy that is transferred from plants to all organisms. This trait is demonstrated in the evolution of all species on Earth. To summarise, light synthesises itself and de-synthesizes itself at a specific point in time and under specified conditions. Death is inevitable for all life, so also rebirth is inevitable for the dead. In merit-based creationism, birth as a human being is ultimate and through enlightenment one escapes from the bondage of endless death-birth cycle. As a result, light is also involved in the process of reversing photosynthesis. What was synthesised by light is dissolved and returned to its original form through decomposition. Photosynthesis converts cosmic energy into living energy, which then returns to the original pool, space. The complete release of matter from the framework of light necessitates de-photosynthesis by light. The natural law of matter returning to its source is governed by light. Light also liberates itself from matter, left Earth, and returns to its home, cosmic space, through de-photosynthesis (higher worlds matching with the frequency of the astral body obtained due to positive attitude in life on the termination of mundane existence). The continuity, eternity, and long-term viability of life are largely attributable to Newton's Third Law of Motion, which asserts that for every action (force) in nature, there is an equal and opposite response (Sir Isaac Newton, et al.1686). This is true in philosophy also. Positivity requires effort and results in increased frequency and increased energy with broad outlook while negativity reduces frequency and energy with narrow outlook. De-photosynthesis enables Liberation of soul from the swing between photosynthesis and de-photosynthesis starts with transcendental consciousness abiding Einstein’s Theory of Relativity E = mc2 where energy and frequency in an enlightened soul are infinite and the universe disappears to him with infinitesimal wavelength Rao (2015), Rao (2020).

The events in Geological Time Scale corroborate with the timeline of ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu appearing on earth in a specific form to achieve a specific goal which clearly explains extra-terrestrial origin of life of all species and that evolution and proliferation is exclusively on this planet in physical form and nowhere else in the universe.  Fully exhibiting its catholicity Hinduism is the only religion to explain both ‘The Theory of Origin of Life’ and ‘The ‘Theory of Evolution’.  Hinduism is not a fiction, but rather a scientific fact. Jyotish is a branch of Vedic astrology that is based on astronomical rules. Indic philosophy of evolution did not particularly address the causes and processes of physical evolution. that the process of origin of all species is extra-terrestrial based on laws of astrophysics due to merit-based creationism based on their actions and conduct that their evolution and proliferation is only on this planet is self-explanatory.



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