Article Type: Research Article Article Citation: Abrahám A. Embí BS MBA. (2020). EVIDENCE OF HUMAN INTER-TISSUE
of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 8(8), 288-296. Received Date: 16 August 2020 Accepted Date: 31 August 2020 Keywords: Human Blood Bioelectromagmetism Human Follicle Bioelectromagnetism Inter Tissue
Bioelectromagnetic Energy Transfer Body Parts Energy Exchange Electromagnetic Radiation Absortion Potassium Ferricyanide Anisotropic Crystal Basically, the human hair consists of a follicle a.k.a root penetrating the skin and an outer skin structure commonly called the shaft. The hair follicle has been classified as a miniorgan having its own cells divisions; aging stages and also demonstrated to emit electromagnetic radiation. The intent of this manuscript is to demonstrate via in vitro experiments evidence of human inter-tissue electromagnetic energy transfer through a glass slide, namely from human blood tissue to the previously described miniorgan or follicle. The mechanism behind this new finding was possible due to the introduction in 2015 of a tabletop optical microscopy method designed to display plants and animal tissue electromagnetic energy emissions. Essential to present finding is the described property of anisotropic crystals of full absorption of incoming electromagnetic radiation waves. K3Fe is an anisotropic crystal. For example, a single layer human blood smear was sandwiched (SDW) by a second glass slide. On the top slide of the SDW, a freshly plucked in toto human hair was then covered by drops diluted K3Fe. Control experiments had repeatedly shown orderly semicircular periodic crystals of K3Fe triggered by the electromagnetic waves emitted by the hair follicle. Prior experiments by this author, have hinted at a “bioelectromagnetic cross-talk” between the follicle and blood. This was seen when there was physical contact between the follicle and blood drops on a glass slide. In the present experiments there is no direct tissue contact, the energy is transmitted through a 1 mm glass barrier. The data herein presented introduces Bioelectromagnetic Fields (BEMFs) energy from human blood onto a miniorgan. This energy is shown penetrating a 1 mm glass slide barrier. Further research is warranted to assess the physiological implications of the human blood tissue as a molecular and BEMFs energy source.
Glossary SSP: The Single Slide Preparation (SSP) is an open-air technique where freshly plucked in toto scalp hairs were placed on a clean 25x75x1mm glass slide; and covered by a drop of K3Fe in solution SDW: The Sandwich (SDW) entails material trapped between 2 identical glass slides. K3Fe: Acronym Potassium FerrIcyanide Crystal formula. K3Fe (CN)6.CSA # 13746-66-2. BEMFs: Acronym for Bioelectromagnetic Fields. Bioelectromagnetics, also known as bioelectromagnetism, is the study of the interaction between electromagnetic fields and biological entities. 1. INTRODUCTIONThe purpose of this
manuscript is to introduce documentation demonstrating the transfer of BEMFs
energy from human connective tissue (blood) to a human mini-organ (hair
follicle). The hair follicle has been classified as a miniorgan,
thus exhibiting its own cells division molecular activity and metabolism [1]. The
Bioelectromagnetic discipline was first documented by using a sensitive atomic
magnetometer detecting BEMFs in living tissue [2]; and documented by using complex equipment [3]. In this manuscript a tabletop glass slide
microscopy method introduced in 2015, has enabled for the documentation of
BEMFs in plants and animal tissue [4], [5]; and
expanded BEMFs experimentation with minimal equipment requirements. One paper
in particular has relevancy to this manuscript and is the demonstration of hair
follicles BEMFs penetrating glass barriers [6]. 1.1. EVIDENCE OF
In this manuscript, In Vitro experiments using optical
microscopy will introduce evidence of
BEMFs transfer between blood and hair follicles through a glass barrier.
Results from in vitro experiments
where a 1 mm glass slide barrier vertically separating blood and hair follicle
will show evidence of BEMFs energy transfer between two tissues resulting in an
increase in crystallization surrounding the follicle. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS2.1. MATERIALS
Potassium FerrIcyanide
Crystal. K3Fe (CN)6. CSA # 13746-66-2. 2)
Human Blood Smear 3)
Hair Follicles plucked via tweezers from
author’s scalp 4)
Microscope glass slides: 25x75x1mm
thickness. Pearl Cat. No. 7101 5)
Water purity confirmed by hand held
electrical fields detector manufactured by Lishtot
Detection LTD, Israel. For details link to: 6)
Room relative humidity monitored by an
ACU-RITE sensor model # 01536-RX. 7)
Digital Video Microscope Celestron II model # 44341, California, USA. 8)
Images downloaded to an Apple Computer
MacBook Pro Photo Application. 2.2. METHODS
2.2.1. PREPARING THE SOLUTION Commercially available bottled water was tested for impurities via
a handheld electrical fields sensor (Lishtot Sensor). A solution was prepared by diluting ≅ 2 grams
of Potassium Ferricyanide (K Fe3) in 2 ml
of the previously tested for impurities bottled spring water. The solution
placed inside a 6 inch 4 mm OD glass tube and
withdrawn as needed via pipette. 2.2.2. THE SINGLE SIDE PREPARATION (SSP) The SSP is an open-air technique where freshly plucked in toto scalp hairs were placed on a
clean 25x75x1mm glass slide; and covered by a drop of K3Fe in
solution; the drop was then allowed to evaporate. Prior to evaporation, the
drop was then touched by a wooden toothpick and scattered as to cover the
follicle and shaft (Fig 1). After the hair sample in SSP is stabilized, meaning the hair
sample can be moved and stay in place. A wooden toothpick us used to gently
find an optimal position of the samples such as away from the drops edges. Figure 1
A: Scalp hair on glass slide covered by drop of KFe3
(Potassium Ferricyanide) covering mainly the hair follicle. B: Same hair. Now
the KFe3 drop surface tension disturbed and fluid scattered via
wooden toothpick now covering follicle and shaft. The Sandwiched Blood Smear (SDW) Preparation A finger stick
allowed for the milking of two drops of blood, then placed on a clean 25x75x1mm
glass slide. The mechanical smear was done as per published instructions from
the USA center for disease control [7]. The smear was allowed to dry by keeping it
uncovered and at room temperature for 5 minutes. The SSP slide (Fig 2) was then
placed over the dry blood smear, thus creating a human blood SDW. The
preparation was then allowed to evaporate in the dark by covering with one half
of an empty microscope slide box. The average time for total evaporation is two
hours, after which was placed on the video microscope-viewing field.
Microphotographs and video recordings were obtained and downloaded into an
Apple MacBook Pro computer Photo Application for further review. Figure 2: Slide assembly showing the human blood smear placement sandwiched
(SDW) between two 1 mm thick glass slides. The human hair is placed on the top
slide and covered by diluted crystals of Potassium Ferricyanide (K3Fe). 3. RESULTS3.1. EXTERNAL BEMFS ON CRYSTALLIZATION ADVANCEThe In Vitro experiments (n 12) of
sandwiched (SDW) blood tissue showed several phenomena that could be contrasted
with control experiments (n 25) as shown (Fig 3) below. 3.1.1. CONTROL EXPERIMENT WITHOUT BLOOD SMEAR Figure below showing
a control (No Blood smear in SDW) follicle in SSP K3Fe. The organized periodic
BEMFs expressed as semicircular K3Fe crystals in front of the follicles can be
appreciated (Fig 3) below. Figure 3: Control scalp hair SSP K3Fe. No blood SDW at 1 mm distance- showing
crystallized undisturbed periodic BEMFs waves from the hair follicle. C= Arrow
pointing at paramagnetic Ferricyanide crystallization in front of Dermal
Papilla area. Highlighted black arrows: Pointing at K3Fe crystals delineating
the usual hair follicle BEMFs waves. Small Red Arrow: (Bottom right) Pointing
at hair follicle BEMFs reach as expressed by a last semicircular
crystallization pattern. For additional details link to: Or Scan QR Code in right upper corner of
preparation below, the hair follicle emitted BEMFs have not yet being sensed by
the KFe3 crystals (Fig 4). Notice the lack of delay in the
crystallization advance during evaporation. Figure 4: Showing unimpeded crystallization advance of Potassium Ferricyanide in
solution (K3Fe). Black Arrow: Pointing at advancing crystallization. This is an
example of contrasting crystallization transit times, not influenced first; and
then influenced by hair external BEMFs as seen in Figure 5 below. Orange Arrow:
Showing position of unseen hair follicle. Please note in video after 00:22”
into the evaporation, the hair follicle’s BEMFs reach begins to delay the
advance. For additional details
link to URL…..or Scan QR Code
in upper left corner of image. 3.1.3. ENTERING THE OUTER EDGE OF FOLICLE BEMFS
is entered the effect seen could be described as a temporary slowing of
evaporation advance by the hair follicle intrinsic BEMFs on the evaporating
K3Fe (Fig 5). Prior papers support full absorption of BEMFs by the anisotropic
K3Fe crystals [8], [9]. As stated in the periodical Science Daily “Moscow Institute of
Physics and Technology. (2016, January 14). New way to absorb electromagnetic
radiation demonstrated: Scientists show that it is possible to fully absorb
electromagnetic radiation using an anisotropic crystal. ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 28,
2020 This is documented
in Figure 5 below, where once the BEMFs boundary of the hair follicle there are
back and forth forces at play,
thus delaying the crystallization advance. Figure 5: This image shows the slowing on crystallization advance of KFe3 crystals
due to K3Fe now absorbing the hair BEMFs. Black Arrow: Pointing at thickening
of crystallization line. For additional details link to URL…..or Scan QR Code
in upper left corner of image. Video
manuscript once the KFe3 in solution had completely evaporated,
there is an increase in crystals adhering to the hair follicles as shown in the
following examples (Fig 6,7,8,9). This caused by the blood tissue transferring
BEMFs energy through a 1 mm glass slide and absorbed by K3Fe crystals. Figure 6: Human hair in SSP K3Fe under the effect of Blood SDW- Black
Arrow: Pointing at heavy crystallization of paramagnetic K3Fe surrounding the
follicle. Red Arrow: In upper left side of image pointing towards the hair
shaft. Figure
7: Hair follicle post K3Fe evaporation showing the effect of
blood BEMFs. Notice accumulation of crystals surrounding follicle. Red Arrow: Pointing at KFe3 crystals
surrounding follicle. X and Black Arrow: Pointing at red shadows from blood
smear in SDW. Figure
8: Same hair as in Figure 7 above. Hair follicle post K3Fe
evaporation showing effect of blood BEMFs. The hair follicle now physically
removed via toothpick. Black Arrows: Now pointing at K3Fe crystals surrounding
the hair follicle imprint. There is noticeable disruption of the concentric
semicircular crystallization as seen in Fig. 3 above. Notice accumulation of
crystals surrounding follicle. X: Notice red shadows from the blood smear in
SDW. Figure 9: Composite slide of another experiment showing selected video frames pre
and post hair follicle removal. Showing effect of blood tissue on a hair
follicle inherent biomagnetic wave. The blood tissue
trapped in SDW disturbing crystallization of Potassium Ferricyanide. X: Area void of the normal concentric
crystallization of K3Fe caused by electromagnetism. Please compare with Figure
3 above. For additional
details, please visit URL: Or
scan QR Code in top right corner of figure. 4. DISCUSSION4.1.
As stated in the present manuscript
human blood BEMFs are postulated to cause a delay in the transit time of K3Fe crystallyzation. Is
important to mention that the human follicle BEMFs had been previosly shown to
delay K3Fe crystallization advance [10]. This is the first time
that BEMFs penetrating a 1 mm glass barrier is seen disturbing a hair follicle
inherent BEMFs. 4.2.
The intrinsic
biomagnetism of organs such as the brain and heart have been found to emit
bioelectrical signals that could presently be displayed by instrumentation.
This manuscript is introducing documentation of human connective tissue (blood)
transferring its BEMFs energy onto a human miniorgan
(hair follicle). The follicles tested were freshly plucked via tweezers. It has
been established that “Although
the plucked hair shaft is clearly inferior in cellular quantity and complexity
to an intact hair follicle as obtained by a biopsy, it does carry sufficient
cellular mass to permit detailed scientific investigations” [11]. 5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSSIONSScientists have
found that anisotropic crystals such as Potassium Ferricyanide (K3Fe) fully
absorb incoming electromagnetic radiation. Experiments herein presented confirm
a human miniorgan tissue (hair follicle) when
surrounded by K3Fe fully absorbs the electromagnetic radiation externally
emitted by a connective tissue (blood) through a 1 mm glass barrier. This inter
tissue energy transfer could aid in the understanding genesis of diseases. For
example, could human blood pooling in body cavity transfer energy to
surrounding tissue and triggering calcification? What are the physiological
implications of the newly introduced dual blood tissue energy transfer
mechanism in organs? Further research is
warranted. SOURCES OF FUNDINGThis research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. CONFLICT OF INTERESTThe author have declared that no competing interests exist. ACKNOWLEDGMENTNone. REFERENCES
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