Article Citation: Richmond Adebiaye, and Theophilus Owusu. (2021). EVALUATING
AN UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and
Management Research, 8(4), 94-99. Published Date: 30 April 2021 Keywords: Retention Ratio Social Isolation Attrition Crisis of
Attrition Academic Success This research examines the crises of attrition in the students’ population and study programs using descriptive statistics interpretation for solving social isolation for traditional face-to-face classroom education. The study used a descriptive research design with ‘variable values’ to examine two-degree programs. The study used several testing methods to evaluate the statistical analysis of the social and academic characteristics of freshmen students in both the Informatics and Computer Science programs at the University of South Carolina Upstate from Fall 2018 to Fall 2019. The criterion variable was the student outcome (persistence or dropout), while the general structure matrix pattern was examined to validate the convergent factors. The methodology included a variance of the eigenfunction and values for interpreting the factor structure of the variable values. The findings suggest several mitigating factors which include improved persistence of “enrollment number, program delivery mode, GPA at time of completion and dropout, student orientation, and courses completed at the time of student dropout would help improve academic success for students.
a ‘plethora of research’ about persistence in higher education (Cofer & Somers, 2001; Paulsen & St.John,
2002). However, there is a gap in research on the effect of risk factors of
persistence, a hidden crisis of attrition, and social isolation among students
and program of study in baccalaureate degree attainment (Adebiaye,
2016). While attrition rates in higher education are higher for first-year
students (Bank et al, 2013), other researchers like Zavaleta,
Samuel & Mills (2015) defined social isolation as the “inadequate quality
and quantity of social relations with others at the different levels where
human interaction takes place (individual, group, community, and the larger
social environment)” (Pg.9). Ali and Leeds, (2009) defined retention as
students “who progress from one part of the program to the next” (Pg.3). Ali
and Leeds (2009) explain that this progression assumes the successful
completion of the course of study that allows for movement into the next course
in a sequence. The lack of retention, also called dropout, has always been a
historical challenge. Attrition is a ‘decrease in the number of students
engaged in a course of study. Persistence refers to the act of “continuity in
higher education; namely on-time completion of the degree” (Martinez, 2003).
One major challenge of face-to-face learning is the lack of proper orientation
and assimilation amongst students who first arrived at a higher institution.
This gap usually results in a feeling of social isolation which ultimately
affects their academic success. Since this study examines the effect of hidden
attrition and social isolation, the study also ascertains the causes of
isolation and feeling of isolation amongst new students that affect both their
academic and college success. 2. RELATED WORKSReviewed
literature revealed the numerous students' retention issues. McNeely (1938;
2008), showed how the first national retention study involving 25 universities
revealed a ‘dropout rate of 45%’. Gütl J. (2015) also
identified rates of dropouts to be 35%-50%, while Tinto (1982; McMahon, 2013)
had already confirmed earlier that student's dropout rates in traditional
courses were constantly between 45%-55% over the last century (Pg.6). McMahon
(2013) was more specific in their study showing an attrition rate of 80% from
the year 2007-2013. A recent study from 2018-2019 showed incomplete rates of
17% in the face-to-face learning model (Mchahon,
2018). This satisfies the objective of this study as it relates to the first
year of study. Similarly, Adamopoulos (2013)
identified methods like “two-sample comparisons, simple cross-tabulations,
logistic and linear regressions as well as Markov processes deployed to study
the attrition rates (pg.6). Adamopoulos (2013) also
referenced (Tinto, 1993) research on the positive impact of social life and its
significance on attrition during the student’s first year of study. Other
researchers like Hortulanus et al., (2006) were more
assertive that social isolation represents a lack of meaningful social contact
among students and also between students and faculty members leading to issues
affecting academic success. 3. PURPOSE OF THE STUDYThe
purpose of this study is to identify factors for mitigating social isolation
and crisis of attrition on undergraduate students in a face-to-face learning
model. The finding in this study will contribute to the body of knowledge in
identifying the problem associated with attrition and social isolation among
students. Tinto’s Retention
Model – A Conceptual Schema for Dropout from College (Tinto, 1993) 4. RESEARCH QUESTIONThe
specific question addressed in this study was - what impact do the hidden
crisis of attrition, and social isolation have on the course retention rate in
a face-to-face undergraduate program. 5. METHODOLOGYThe study
used a survey methodology for data collection which included 45 completed
response sets shared in order of the department's numbers. Bartlett’s test of
sphericity measure was used to test the appropriateness of factor analysis.
Diaz, 2002, Reynolds & Weagley, 2003 measure of
sampling adequacy (.935) and Mertler & Vannatta (2010) advanced and multivariate statistical
methods were used. The test sphericity (χ2 = returned ‘4694.87, p
= .000’) indicates the adequacy of the dataset for this purpose. Mcfadden & Patterson (2009) justified that the “measure
of sampling adequacy (SA) for the two programs when greater than .90 is
considered acceptable” (Pg.12). A construct validity test was conducted by
allowing the questionnaires to be reviewed by a panel of tenured Professors
with over 15 years of teaching. Finally, a reliability coefficient test was
conducted to calculate the study instrument and its subscales, and the
reliability of the instrument was found to be higher (a = .78). Statistical
Processes of Tables and Figures Logistic
Regression Table 1: Case Processing Summary: Hosmer and Lemeshow test
Table 2: Data Showing Classification at the Freshmen Level
Table 3: Regression Analysis
Statistical Analysis The table
represents the two-year options of (36/45 = 81.8%’). This showed persistence
for 2019, while 18.2% is for the predicted year of fall 2020. This is an
indicator of the prediction probability of persistence to be greater. When
other variables in the equation were studied, the result showed “the
intercept-only model is in (odds) = -1.504”. The exponentiation of both sides
of the above expression would provide a predictive odd of ‘[Exp (B)] =.222’,
representing the predicted odds ‘persistence’ of -1.255. Since 36 respondents
showed a high persistence ratio and with only 8 dropping out, then the observed
odd calculation resulted in 8/36 = 0.22, which confirmed our predictable ratio
generated occurred in favor of persistence in classes. The study also used the
“Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients” which produced a Chi-Square ratio of
1.495 on df. Of 2. This indicates a statistical significance beyond .5. This is
an indication that a ‘Null-hypothesis’ test reacted negatively to adding the
year of admission variable. The result is an indication that no significant
increase in the ability to predict the enrolment number was viable, hence not a
significant factor with the result of p > 0.05 and the null
hypothesis is rejected. When the model summary was calculated, we observe that
the -2 Log-Likelihood statistics returned 40.33. This
statistically measured how poorly the model predicts the decisions - the
smaller the statistics the better the model. The Cox & Snell R2 was also
tested and showed a result of (R2=0.031) but falls short of a maximum value of
1. The Nagelkerke R2 when tested also showed a result
of less than 1 (R2= .051). To accurately test whether the null hypothesis could
have an inference in the prediction, the “Hosmer-Lemeshow”
tests for the null hypothesis were used and the results showed the model fits
perfectly with observed persistence. Research design showed how the cases are
implemented according to their predicted probability of the criterion variable.
ANOVA test was also conducted to test the significance of students’
persistence. The result showed students’ persistence of “F (2, 41) =4.283,
p=.02”. This represents a non-significant factor. On the evaluation of
the ‘last day of attendance’, the result showed a result of “B=.16, (p
=.01)”. Finally, a test GPA using a cross-tabulation of persistence
indicates a result of (R=4.435) which represents a correlation factor, which
also means a non-significant factor of p=0.22. 6. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS1)
of social isolation on students’ s performance resulting in drop-out? The
findings indicate that with p>0.05 indexed variables of test for GPA
characteristics, the effect was lesser on persistence. This provided insights
into understanding other characteristics that are external to student and
instructor that impact student’s dropout. The indexed percentage indication
that social interaction amongst and between students could alleviate the
problems of social isolation and represent a significant factor in the decision
by students to dropout 2)
of the social, crisis of attrition and academic characteristics on retention The
reported test score of 18.18% of the ‘academic characteristics’ factor
indicating a lack of interest from students as the reason for dropping out
ultimately aligned with the recommendation by Rovai
(2003) that “observed patterns of attrition attributed to factors that
influenced any dropout decisions by the student. It is also an indication of
dissatisfaction by students with the course structure, schedule, low confidence
levels on courses and assignments. 3)
of classroom face-to-face learning methods on retention? The
face-to-face traditional method showed a result of 81.82% enrolment with strong
persistence. This indicates strong retention numbers and a clear indicator that
this learning “method has a positive effect on the retention of the students enrolled”
(Yorke, M. (2014). 7. CONCLUSIONSThe
study’s results showed that the attrition rate represents an important factor
while the crisis of social isolation was found to be statistically significant
in persistence for the two programs. However, when the logistic regression
analyses were evaluated, there was no significant effect of social isolation
which may have been due to the enrollment data and retention ratio on the two
programs. It may also be due to the small number of samples tested.
Notwithstanding, a binary logistic regression analysis showed a significant
positive effect on attrition if the social isolation problems are mitigated.
The data representing retention showed strong viability for a traditional
face-to-face delivery method with high ratings for the two programs sampled.
This suggests that attrition remained an issue and a major factor in this
study. The findings showed the importance of academic, social, and oriented
integration of freshmen compared to indexed by the variables of course structure,
design, or finance or family issues having any form of “influence on the
persistence of students” (Adebiaye, 2016). Finally,
the results showed significant differences in the ratio of dropouts and
persistence when comparing both programs. This reinforces findings that social
isolation and the hidden crisis of attrition support strategies do lead to
improved retention. 8. IMPLICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCHIt is pertinent to recognize the challenges of social isolation and crisis of attrition during the planning of programs and/or during freshmen enrollment the readiness of prospective students for higher education, social assimilation during pre-admission orientation or matriculation should be prioritized for an improved retention rate. Future research should include topics on social interaction and inclusions to enhance students’ retention. Other variables like extended family issues, student’s perception of higher education, demographic factors (distribution of respondents, socioeconomic characteristics, population, etc.) could have provided sustainable unbiased estimated data to analyze the p-values and coefficients in regression analysis and recommended for future studies. It is also recommended that a further study be conducted to understand the characteristics that impact the attrition ratio in graduate programs. SOURCES OF FUNDINGThis research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. CONFLICT OF INTERESTThe author have declared that no competing interests exist. ACKNOWLEDGMENTNone. REFERENCES [1] Adamopoulos, P. (2013). What Makes a Great
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