Article Citation: Priyanka Sharma. (2020). EXPERIMENTAL STUDY
International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 7(9),
66-71 Published Date: 30 September 2020 Keywords: Flat Belt Different R.P.M. Roller Load Carrying Capacity In this paper, we are study about flat belt conveyer system with different R.P.M. such as 50,100,150,200,250 and 300 R.P.M. In this study, it is also included that the observations the different load carrying capacity (Grams) at different working time (Hours). The flat belt conveyer system is very important for the purpose of the material handling system from one place to other place, which is directly depended on the effective length of belt as 1800 mm. In this system we are used the D.C. motor drive system for the purpose of the loading and unloading condition of metallic hook , which is attached the lower portion of flat belt.
1. INTRODUCTIONThe flat belt conveyer system is very useful for material
handling system because of it has different speed of Gear head D.C. motor such
as 50,100,150,200,250 and 300 R.P.M. The thickness of flat belt has 3.26 mm,
width of flat belt has 120.66mm and total length of flat belt has 4100.85mm. The
conveyer system is also very important when two units of industries has
constructed in different place, in this way material handling drive system is
very necessary for the proper working condition of plants. Figure 1: Flat belt
conveyer system 2. EXPERIMENT PROCEDURESThe Gear head Motor, Power supply, Cylindrical Type Roller, Ball bearing (6204ZZ, 6 Piece) and Frame is used the construction of working model and the specification of components are shown in Table.1. In flat belt conveyer system, it is very useful for material handling system one place to other place because of it has different type speed of motor such as 50,100,150,200,250 and 300 R.P.M. with the different load carrying capacity in grams at different working time as 1 to 7 Hours. In this way, First of all load in attached on the hook and D.C. motor has ON condition, when the total working length of flat belt is achieved such as 1800 mm then motor has OFF condition using of liver based switch during one direction speed of D.C. motor.
Figure 2: Ball Bearing (6204ZZ) Figure 3: Flat belt Figure 4: Flat Roller Table 1: Specification of
Table 2: Gear head D.C.
Motor with 50 R.P.M.
Figure 5: Gear head D.C.
Motor with 50 R.P.M. Table 3: Gear head D.C.
Motor with 100 R.P.M.
Figure 6: Gear head D.C.
Motor with 100 R.P.M. Table 4: Gear head D.C.
Motor with 150 R.P.M.
Figure 7: Gear head D.C.
Motor with 150 R.P.M. Table 5: Gear head D.C.
Motor with 200 R.P.M.
Figure 8: Gear head D.C.
Motor with 200 R.P.M. Table 6: Gear head D.C.
Motor with 250 R.P.M.
Figure 9: Gear head D.C.
Motor with 250 R.P.M. Table 7: Gear head D.C.
Motor with 300 R.P.M.
Figure 10: Gear head D.C.
Motor with 300 R.P.M. 4. CONCLUSIONIn this study, we are observed that different load carrying capacity in grams from500 to 6600 grams at different working time in Hours with different R.P.M. such as 50,100,150,200,250 and 300 R.P.M using 12 V. D.C. motor, which has 10Kgf Torque for proper working condition of flat belt conveyer system. It is found that 6600 grams load which attaches the lower portion of flat belt has constant at the time from 5 to 7 hours of proper working of drive system during speed of Gear head D.C. Motor has 300 R.P.M, which is shown in Table.7. SOURCES OF FUNDINGNone. CONFLICT OF INTERESTNone. ACKNOWLEDGMENTNone. REFERENCES
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