Article Citation: Vishal, and M.
INDIA. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management
Research, 8(1), 35-44. Published Date: 31 December 2020
Keywords: Delay Causes of Delay Delay Impact Delay in
Construction Delays can be well-defined as the escalation of the stipulated time for the completion of the project. Delay is always the major loss to any construction project. In construction projects delay is a very usual thing and it can have an adverse effect on the project’s time and cost. As construction is one of the largest economic activity in India, the effects of delay are still in millions, which surely decreases the GDP of the country. Delay makes the process tardy and management of delay is extremely challenging as most of the projects do not meet the expected requirement and fails to perform within time. Therefore, various types and causes of delays should be studied accurately. There are many researches on construction delays but they talk about the wide-ranging reasons of delay, so there stays a high requirement of a notable and feasible study on delays at different stages of construction process in India. The aim of the paper is to identify the causes of delays at different stages of construction through questionnaire survey in Indian construction industry. Analytical tools used in this research are relative importance index (RII) and spearman’s rank correlation coefficient to rank the sources of delay with respect to its occurrence in the various stages of the construction project. The study concludes based on the correlation coefficient analysis between the construction stages, that the delays associated with before-construction stage is least related, with after-construction stage is third highly related, with construction stage is second highly related and delays associated with average/overall construction is highly related.
1. INTRODUCTIONThe construction projects all over the world
share a common problem which is “delay”. These delays in construction can occur
in various stages of the project. There are some delays that befall in the
before construction phase which is precisely the initial phase of the project,
which starts from the prime idea of the construction project to the official
acceptance of the agreement between the owner and the contractor, but a few
delays may happen during the construction stage which is the period amongst the
start and end of the real construction works [1]. The basic explanation of the term “delay
damages” is the cost that is increased because of delaying an event on a
project. These increased costs could be direct or indirect costs [2]. Delay is defined as an event that causes
extended time to complete all or parts of a project [3]. Though some major concern is given to
manage the planned schedules, a major number of projects is regarded
unsuccessful when it comes to time and cost management goals. This further adds
up to some adverse impact with respect to the construction project performance.
It further in turn affects the stakeholders of the project such as the
developer, contractor and also the owner. Hence, time and cost overruns are the
main issues that is intertwined within the construction industry [4],[5]. The implications of the delay on
project cost, revenue and other project outcomes in monetary terms, define the
cost of delay. Certain delays can be owner caused delay that are excusable or compensable
which are specified in the contract and the contractor can reclaim the time
that is consequential from the delay and also the damages caused. The cost of
the wasted sources such as the equipment, labor and the cost of escalation of
the materials can be calculated effortlessly in these situations. Nevertheless,
the contractors would also need to estimate the delays associated with the
indirect costs like extended field office overhead costs or general conditions
costs. Henceforth, there is a need to evolve a framework which can quantify the
cost overrun plus the impact of delay which together will generate the true
delay cost of the project. Figure 1: Trend of Cost Overrun concerning Original
Cost Figure 2: Trend of Projects Running Behind Schedule
concerning Original Schedule The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI),
Government of India has reported that from march-2014 to till September-2019,
percentage of cost overrun of infrastructure projects concerning their original
cost is increased by more than 1% that is, from 19.4% to 20.5%, see Figure 1
and percentage of time overrun of infrastructure projects concerning their
original schedule is increased by 5.12% that is, from 29.44% to 34.56 %, see
Figure 2 [5]. 2.
A construction project is regarded successful
when it is completes on the stipulated time, estimated budget, thereby
fulfilling the specification and stakeholder satisfaction. Although, in India,
34.56 % of the infrastructure projects do not finish in the expected time in
the financial year of 2019-2020. Instead, they complete after the estimated
completion time, due to ambivalence in events and its unique characteristics [5]. The cost of delay is a way to understand
and share the effect of time against an anticipated result. It delivers the
companies with a means to comparability and calculating the cost of not
completing a project or activity by opting to do it at a later time [6]. The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI),
Govt. of India has reported that in the financial year of 2019-2020 a total of
377 infrastructure projects, which worth Rs. 150 crores or more individually,
which have shown the cost overruns due to delays and other reasons. The overall
estimated cost of execution of the 1035 projects was Rs. 19,47,462.67 crores
and the probable completion cost are expected to be Rs. 23,41,784.86 crores.
The assessed total cost overruns of Rs. 3,94,361.19 crores that is, 20.25% of
the original cost, see Figure 3. The ministry also reported that out of 1035 infrastructure
in India monitored by it in the financial year of 2019-2020, a total of 505
projects are delayed with the time over-run ranging from 1 to 324 months [5]. Figure 3: Cost Overrun of infrastructure projects in
India in 2019 to 2020 The
delays in schedule in construction projects can be majorly occurred due to the
factors which are associated to project stakeholders, topography and geography
of the site, change in government laws and force majeure [7],[8]. Additionally, the source of
delays is associated to the uniqueness of a project. It is also defined that,
the consequences of delays in cost and time in construction projects are
different for different countries [9],[10]. From the
inference of this literature review, this study emphasizes the objective of
investigating the most critical causes of delay in the construction process and
their effects in the different construction stages, which includes
before-construction stage, construction stage and after-construction stage. The
objectives are evaluated using relative important index (RII) and spearman’s
rank correlation coefficient methods. This study will be beneficial to the most
construction industries in India because once a project is initiated and
managed properly, it will eliminate the high cost of delay and will help in
planning and execution of future construction project during executions. This
study proposes to bring forward, the sources and causes of delays and disorders
in construction. This research is intended to prevent the project’s time and
cost overrun which in turn could help the construction firms, engineers,
architects, surveyors and construction project managers. 3.
The main steps of methodology adopted in this
research include, (1) causes of delay selection, (2) preparing a questionnaire
survey, (3) conducting purposive sampling for selection of participants for
survey, (4) ranking the causes of delay using relative importance index (RII),
and (5) comparing overall construction and construction stages using
correlation coefficient. K.C. Iyer & Jha, 2005
identified total twenty-three critical failure attributes of projects in the
context of the Indian construction industry [11]. As, the objective of this paper is to
investigate the most critical causes of delay in the construction process and
their effects in the different construction stages of the Indian construction
industry. So, these failure attributes are very suitable to use in this study
as causes of delay, see Table 1. The respondents will choose using purposive
sampling method, which includes construction professionals from the Indian
construction industry, those are, general contractors, sub-contractors,
architects, project managers etc. because of their good understanding related
to the objectives of this paper. Further, all the twenty-three causes were
evaluated separately using a questionnaire survey, as each cause have three
division as per construction stages those are, (1) Before-construction Stage,
(2) Construction Stage and (3) After-construction Stage. A Likert scale of 1-5
was used to provide an effective rating for each of the cause of delay, see Table
2. Likert is an ordinal scale where the unit is unknown [12]. The motive of identifying the causes of delay
is to rank them based on their chance of occurrence in construction process at
before-construction stage, construction stage, after-construction stage and
overall construction of the project with the help of the relative importance
index (RII) method. Further identifying the most effective construction stage
in project lifecycle using Spearman’s Rank correlation coefficient. Table 1: General Causes of Delay
Table 2: Likert scale
Relative Importance Index is the mean for a
factor which gives it weight in the perceptions of respondents. The Relative
importance index is a method that is used for evaluating the relative
importance of the defined parameters (Equation 1). In this research, the RII
method will be selected to find the relative importance of the varied causes of
delay in construction using Likert scale, see Table 2. A cause or effect of
delay is regarded as the important when the RII value is the highest and vice
versa [12]. The collected data from the questionnaire
survey was analyzed with the help of RII method. Each factor is further ranked
according to their respective RII value. Equation 1: Here, RII =
Relative Important Index W =
Weighting given to each cause by the respondent defines in Likert Scale Index A =
Highest possible weight in responses N =
Total number of respondents 3.2. SPEARMAN’S RANK CORRELATION COEFFICIENT
To determine the relationship between ranks
of two variables, spearman’s rank correlation coefficient is used (Equation 2).
The value of Spearman’s rank (SR) correlation coefficient ranged from -1 to 1.
The value of “-1 & 1” indicates perfect negative & positive correlation
respectively, the values fall between “-1 to -0.5” & “0.5 to 1”, indicates
strong negative & positive correlation, the values fall between “-0.5 to 0”
& “0 to 0.5”, indicates weak negative & positive correlation, the value
of 0, indicates no correlation [13]. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient is
selected in this research to determine the degree of relationship between all
construction stages. The best compatible construction stage will be taken from
all construction stages to conclude the top ten most effective causes of delay
in construction projects. Here, SR =
Spearman’s Rank d =
Rank Difference n =
Number of Ranks Table 3: RII value and rank of causes of delay at each
construction stage
The data were collected from thirty
experienced respondence using questioner survey. Purposive sampling is
conducted for selection of participants for this survey and selected as site
engineers, project managers, contractors, architects and other professionals
related to construction. The causes of delay are rated according to their RII value
at different stages of construction, see Table 3. The relative importance index
(RII) for all the causes is calculated by, (W1 + W2 + W3 + W4 + W5) / A x N
where W = total weights given to each aspect by the respondent defines in
Likert scale index, see table 2. Where '1' has the least level of consideration
and '5' has the highest level of consideration. A = highest possible weight in
responses (i.e., 5 in this case). N = total number of respondents (i.e., 30 in
this case). The average value of relative important index (RII) obtaining in
before-construction, construction, and after-construction stages is consider as
the relative important index (RII) for overall construction. 5.
ten most cardinal causes of delay identify in before-construction stage of
project according to their rank obtained after analyzing RII value. see table
3. Then, sequentially ranked as (1) “The uniqueness of the project activities requiring
high technical knowledge”, (2) “Hostile political & economic environment”,
(3) “Huge size and cost of the project”, (4) “Lack of understanding of
operating procedure by the P.M.”, (5) “Rancorous social environment”, (6)
“Disputes between management and P.M.”, (7) “P.M. is lacking in crisis
management skills”, (8) “The reluctance in a timely decision by management”,
(9) “Selection of less effective planning tools and techniques by P.M.” and
(10) “Holding key decisions in abeyance”. 5.1.2. CONSTRUCTION STAGE The top ten most cardinal causes of delay
identify in construction stage of project according to their rank obtained
after analyzing RII value. see table 3. Then, sequentially ranked as (1) “Huge
size and cost of the project”, (2) “The uniqueness of the project activities
requiring high technical knowledge”, (3) “Labor strikes & poor human
resource management”, (4) “The negative attitude of project key personals”, (5)
“P.M. is lacking in crisis management skills”, (6) “Selection of less effective
planning tools and techniques by P.M.”, (7) “The reluctance in a timely
decision by management”, (8) “Pass on the blame to others”, (9) “Lack of timely
decision by P.M.” and (10) “Incomplete project planning in the beginning”. 5.1.3. AFTER-CONSTRUCTION STAGE The top ten most cardinal causes of delay
identify in after-construction stage of project according to their rank
obtained after analyzing RII value. see table 3. Then, sequentially ranked as
(1) “The reluctance in a timely decision by management”, (2) “Incomplete
project planning in the beginning”, (3) “Labor strikes & poor human
resource management”, (4) “Huge size and cost of the project”, (5) “Hostile
political & economic environment”, (6) “Lack of timely decision by P.M.”,
(7) “Poor weather conditions during construction”, (8) “Conflicts among
team members”, (9) “P.M. is lacking in crisis management skills” and (10) “The
uniqueness of the project activities requiring high technical knowledge”. 5.1.4. OVERALL CONSTRUCTION The
average RII value obtaining by before-construction, construction and
after-construction stages is consider as the relative important index (RII)
value for overall construction. So, the top ten most cardinal causes of delay
identify in overall construction of project according to their rank obtained
after analyzing RII value. see table 3. Then, sequentially ranked as (1) “Huge
size and cost of the project”, (2) “The uniqueness of the project activities
requiring high technical knowledge”, (3) “The reluctance in a timely decision
by management”, (4) “Hostile political & economic environment”, (5) “Labor
strikes & poor human resource management”, (6) “P.M. is lacking in crisis
management skills”, (7) “Incomplete project planning in the beginning”, (8)
“Selection of less effective planning tools and techniques by P.M.”, (9) “The
negative attitude of project key personals” and (10) “Lack of timely decision
by P.M.”. Table 4: Comparison of causes of delay at different
stages of construction
Total of seventeen causes of delay are
identified as the top ten causes of delay for each construction stage (Table 4)
from the total twenty-three causes of delay (Table 3), when listed down all the
causes of delay of each construction stage into one column and eliminate the
commons. Thus, to list general top ten causes of delay for a project, there are
seven causes of delay difference found, which is 41.17% more. This analysis
reviled that, causes of delay are different in different stages of
construction. The
Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient Method uses to find out which
construction stage can be considered for finding general causes of delay to
construction project. This method determine the relationship between
before-construction stage, construction stage, after-construction stage and
overall construction and identified the coefficient of relation between construction stages and
sequentially ranked as first is overall construction with 0.47 to 0.79
correlation coefficient, second is construction stage with 0.13 to 0.79
correlation coefficient, third is after construction with -0.08 to 0.65
correlation coefficient and the last is before construction with -0.08 to 0.47
correlation coefficient (Table 5). The Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient
Method express, cause of delay of overall construction is most suitable to list
the general causes of delay to construction projects compared to other
construction stages. Table 5: Value of Spearman’s rank correlation
The study
of the survey result revealed that, in the different construction stages there
is a slightly difference in the impact of delays. Most critical causes of delay
are identified for three major construction project stages those are, before-construction,
construction and after-construction. After that average of relative importance
index (RII) value of these three constructions is taken for overall
construction. The comparison of ranks of causes of delay obtaining from their
RII values among before-construction stage, construction stage,
after-construction stage and overall construction is performed, with the help
of Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient method, and as a result overall
construction is highly related to other construction stages in Indian
construction industry. So, the top ten most cardinal causes of delay identify
in overall construction of project according to their rank obtained after
analyzing RII value sequentially ranked as (1) “Huge size and cost of the
project”, (2) “The uniqueness of the project activities requiring high
technical knowledge”, (3) “The reluctance in a timely decision by management”,
(4) “Hostile political & economic environment”, (5) “Labor strikes &
poor human resource management”, (6) “P.M. is lacking in crisis management
skills”, (7) “Incomplete project planning in the beginning”, (8) “Selection of
less effective planning tools and techniques by P.M.”, (9) “The negative
attitude of project key personals” and (10) “Lack of timely decision by P.M.”. SOURCES OF FUNDING
research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public,
commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. CONFLICT OF INTEREST
author have declared that no competing interests exist. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
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