Article Citation: Sarmauli Hanny Siagian, M. Umar Maya
CHICKEN BRANCH MAKMUR MEDAN. International Journal of Engineering Technologies
and Management Research, 7(10), 73-79. Published Date: 30 October 2020 Keywords: Quality Service Atmosphere Satisfaction This study aims to analyze the effect of product quality, service quality and store atmosphere on customer satisfaction on Geprek Champion Chicken in Makmur Medan Branch. The sample used in this study were 96 respondents who were consumers of the Geprek Champion Chicken Restaurant in Medan, using the sampling technique, namely icidental sampling using the lemeshow formula. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire that has been tested for its validity and reliability. The results of research partially t test results indicate that product quality, service quality and store atmosphere have a significant effect on customer satisfaction. Simultaneously, the variable product quality, service quality and store atmosphere have an effect on customer satisfaction.
1. INTRODUCTIONIn this era of globalization, the culinary business is
growing rapidly because every day people need food and there are many
innovations or new ideas from the younger generation that are poured into new
menus in the culinary business. The current fact, the growth of the culinary
business in Medan can be seen from the number of restaurants that are
increasing every month, coupled with different concepts. So that business
competition in the city of Medan is becoming increasingly complicated. This makes all restaurants in Medan demanded to be able to
compete in developing products and provide the best for consumers. This is
because understanding and fulfilling consumer desires is one way to achieve
customer satisfaction. Many factors can affect customer satisfaction. Because,
consumers nowadays are very careful in assessing products, both from the
quality of the products served to how the services provided from the
restaurant. Besides that, the atmosphere of a restaurant or store atmosphere is
also an important factor in the culinary business. One of them is a restaurant
that is developing in Medan, namely Geprek Champion Chicken, Branch of Makmur
Medan. This restaurant is located on Jl. Makmur No. 44 - 30, Medan City. Product quality is a set of features and characteristics of
a product or service to satisfy stated or implied needs. In determining the
products to be offered, companies must adjust to consumer tastes so that
consumers feel satisfied [1].
Factors that affect the quality of food products include taste, freshness,
appearance, maturity and variety of food. The taste of food is one of the factors
that determine the taste of food. The purpose of processing and cooking food is
to produce food with high taste so that it is satisfying for those who eat it. Service quality is the level of excellence expected and
control over these excellence to meet customer desires
Like what consumers do when they are at a restaurant, where consumers assess
the time of serving and the way of serving and the cleanliness of restaurant
equipment. Due to the fact that in today's era, many restaurants pay less
attention to serving time so that many consumers cancel orders because of the
length of the dishes that come. Store atmosphere is an important component of a shop or cafe
and can provide the dominant sensory effect created by a shop or café design [3]. When consumers have
their needs, wants or tastes met, then at that time customer satisfaction has
been fulfilled. Consumer satisfaction is the feeling of pleasure or
disappointment of someone who comes from a comparison between his impression of
the performance (results) of a product with his expectations [4]. Based on the results of the pre-survey conducted to several its consumers ask to improve the quality of the dishes and the food. The appearance of the
product must be more
attractive and more innovative. The design if its atmosphere can be
adjusted to youngsteers who like to get the newest service and attractive in
technoly. Those are some of the consumer hopes that must be improved
from the restaurant. The Research Objectives are determining the
effect of Product Quality, Quality, Store Atmosphere on customer satisfaction
at Geprek Champian Chicken Branch Makmur Medan partially and simulteneously 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS2.1. CUSTOMER SATISFACTIONConsumer satisfaction is a post-purchase evaluation, in which perceptions of the performance of the selected alternative products meet or exceed expectations before purchase [5]. Consumer satisfaction is the level of feeling happy or disappointed someone that arises because of comparing the perceived performance of the product (or result) received as expected, so the consumer will feel satisfied [6]. Consumer satisfaction indicators are as follows: 1)
Willingness to visit again 2) Confirm expectations 3)
Willingness to recommend [7] 2.2. PRODUCT QUALITYProduct quality is a direct description of a product such as
performance, reliability, easy to use aesthetics and so on [8].
Product quality is the ability of a product to carry out its function,
including durability, reliability, accuracy, ease of operation and repair, as
well as other valuable attributes [9]. 2.3. QUALITY OF SERVICEService quality in simple terms, namely, a measure of how
well the level of service provided is in accordance with consumer expectations [10].
This means that the quality of service is determined by the ability of a
particular individual or company to meet needs in accordance with what is
expected or desired based on the needs of consumers or buyers. Service quality
is the level of excellence expected and control over these
excellence to meet customer desires [2]. 2.4. STORE ATMOSPHEREStore atmosphere is an important component of a shop or café
and can provide the dominant sensory effect created from a shop or café design [1].
Store atmosphere is a physical characteristic that is very important in
creating a comfortable atmosphere for consumers who are in a shop or café and
can indirectly influence consumer image and purchasing behavior [11]. 2.5.
H1: There is an
effect of product quality on consumer satisfaction of Geprek Chicken Champion
in Makmur Medan Branch H2: There is an
effect of service quality on customer satisfaction in Geprek Champion in the
Makmur Medan Branch. H3: There is an
effect of store atmosphere on consumer satisfaction in the Geprek Champion
Chicken in the Makmur Medan Branch. H4: There is an
influence between product quality, service quality, and store atmosphere on
customer satisfaction on the Geprek Champion Chicken in the Makmur Medan
Branch. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS3.1. RESEARCH METHODSThis type of research is a descriptive study with a
quantitative approach. Descriptive research is intended to collect all
information about the symptoms that are present or according to the
circumstances at the time the research was conducted [12].
Whereas what is meant by a quantitative approach is an approach used to test
theories, and build facts, show the combination of variables, statistical
descriptions, estimate and predict the results. Research designs that use a
quantitative approach must be structured, standardized, formal and designed as
well as possible before [12]. In this study, the population was all consumers of the Geprek Juara Chicken Restaurant,
Makmur Medan Branch who made purchases during the study period starting in
December 2019 to May 2020. The sample size in this study was determined by the lemeshow formula because the population in this study could
not be known. how many the exact number. The sampling technique in this study
uses a nonprobability sampling technique, namely a sampling technique that does
not provide an opportunity or opportunity to be selected as a sample [13].
The sampling technique used in this study is Incidental Sampling. Incidental
sampling is a sampling technique based on chance, in which anyone who happens
to meet the researcher can be used as a sample [13].
Then the results obtained from the minimum number of samples needed in this
study were 96 respondents. The data collection method in this research is using a
questionnaire (questionnaire), observation, and interviews. The data analysis
method in this research is descriptive statistics, data quality testing, namely
validity and reliability tests, classical assumption tests, namely:
multicollinearity test, normality test and heteroscedasticity test, partial
significance test (t test), simultaneous significant test (f test), and the
coefficient of determination test. 3.2. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF VARIABLESThe definitions of the variables studied are as follows: · Product quality (X1) is one of the most desirable factors for consumers to fulfill their wants and expectations. · Service Quality (X2) is good service from the restaurant to consumers who are at the restaurant. · Store atmosphere (X3) is the atmosphere in the restaurant that must provide comfort and beauty for consumers while in the restaurant. ·
Consumer Satisfaction (Y), namely consumers who
are satisfied when they are inside the restaurant because all their
expectations for the restaurant are fulfilled so that they want to return to
the restaurant and are willing to recommend it to their family or other people. 3.3.
Table 1: The Multiple Regression Result
Based on Table 4.4 above, the multiple linear regression equation can be formulated as follows: Customer Satisfaction = -0.201 + 0.556 Product Quality +
0.182 Service Quality + 0.304 Store Atmosphere The interpretation of the Multiple Linear Regression equation above is as follows: 1) The constant value of -0.201 indicates a negative value, which means that if the variable product quality, service quality and store atmosphere is considered zero, then customer satisfaction is -0.201 units. 2) The value of the Multiple Linear Regression Coefficient for the product quality variable shows a positive value of 0.556, which means that if the product quality variable increases by one unit, then customer satisfaction will increase by 0.556 if other variables are considered constant. 3) The value of the multiple linear regression coefficient for the service quality variable shows a positive value of 0.182 which means that if the service quality variable increases by one unit, the consumer's purchasing decision will increase by 0.182 if the other variables are considered constant. 4) The value of the multiple linear regression coefficient for the store atmosphere variable shows a positive value of 0.304 which means that if the store atmosphere variable increases by one - unit, then customer satisfaction will increase by 0.304 if other variables are considered constant. The main results should be presented clearly and briefly, insisting on their significance and degree of novelty. Based on the
partial test in table 4.8, it can be seen that the test results for each
independent variable are as follows: 1)
test results for the product quality variable show the tcount value of 5.511
<ttable of 1.98609 with a significance value of 0.000 <0.05, then the
hypothesis Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, which means that product quality
has a significant effect on consumer consumer satisfaction. 2)
test results for the service quality variable show the tcount of 2.552> t
table of 1.98609 with a significance value of 0.012 <0.05, then the
hypothesis Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, which means that service quality
has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. 3)
test results for the store atmosphere variable show that the t-count value is
3,426 <t table of 1.98609 with a significance value of 0.001 <0.05, then
the hypothesis Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, which means that store
atmosphere has a significant and significant effect on customer satisfaction. Table 2: Simultaneous Hypothesis Testing Results (Test F)
Based on the
results of the simultaneous test above, with a value of Fcount 42.549 >
Ftable 2.70 and a significance of 0.000 < 0.05, so the hypothesis Ho is
rejected and Ha is accepted. So it can be concluded that the three variables,
namely product quality, service quality and store atmosphere simultaneously
influence customer satisfaction. Table 3: Results of the Coefficient of Determination (R2)
The results of
the coefficient of determination can be seen from the Adjusted R Square of
0.817 which shows how much the proportion and total variation in consumer
purchasing decisions can explain product quality, service quality and store
atmosphere by 81.7% and the remaining 18.3% is influenced by other variables
not examined in this study. 4.
influence of product quality variables on customer satisfaction The
product is the core of a marketing activity because the product is the output
or result of one of the company's activities or activities that can be offered
to the target market to meet the needs and desires of consumers [8]. From the results of this study, product quality has an effect on customer
satisfaction. This indicates that the better the quality of the product, the
more satisfied consumers will be. By paying attention to product quality, it
will be a separate consideration for consumers to make their choices. But even
so, the Geprek Champion Chicken Restaurant in the Prosperous Medan Branch must
still pay attention to and maintain the cleanliness of food and drinks, not
only the appearance of food and drinks is considered but coupled with the
waiting time for food orders until the shirt arrives, the shirt is not too long
so it creates additional value. for the quality of existing products in the
Geprek Champion Chicken Restaurant Branch of the Prosperous Medan Branch. 2)
Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction Service
quality is simple, namely, a measure of how well the level of service provided
is in accordance with consumer expectations [10]. This means that the quality of service is determined by the ability of a
particular individual or company to meet needs in accordance with what is
expected or desired based on the needs of consumers or buyers. Service quality
is the level of excellence expected and control over these excellence to meet
customer desires [2]. In
this study, service quality has a significant effect on customer satisfaction,
meaning that service quality is an important factor affecting customer
satisfaction. Based on this research, it shows that in the service quality
variable, the average consumer answers neutral to the service quality incator,
namely hospitality, responsiveness and speed and attention. This means that
consumers do not care about the quality of service provided by the Geprek
Chicken Champion in the Prosperous Medan Branch. Even so, the Geprek Ayam Geprek
Champion Restaurant in Medan's Prosperous Branch still has to improve the
quality of their service in order to maintain their customer satisfaction. 3)
Effect of Store Atmosphere on Customer Satisfaction Store
atmosphere is a physical characteristic that is very important in creating a
comfortable atmosphere for consumers who are in a store or café and can
indirectly influence consumer image and purchasing behavior [11]. In this study, store atmosphere has an effect on customer satisfaction.
This means that the atmosphere of the restaurant affects consumer satisfaction,
the more the atmosphere of the restaurant is made comfortable, attractive and
shows the characteristics of the restaurant, the more satisfied it will be.
Paying attention to the atmosphere of a restaurant can be an important
consideration for businesses in the culinary field, by making the restaurant
atmosphere comfortable, attractive and showing characteristics to attract
consumers and making them visit again because they feel satisfied so that the
restaurant business is able to compete with other restaurants because it has
advantages. . 4)
Effect of Product Quality, Service Quality and Store Atmosphere on Customer
Satisfaction The
effect of these three variables on consumer satisfaction because the better the
quality of restaurant products and the better the quality of service and the
more comfortable the atmosphere of the restaurant is, and has an attractive
design, it makes consumers feel satisfied and makes consumers return to visit
the Geprek chicken restaurant, the champion branch of the prosperous field of
of this study, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1)
the variable of product quality has a significant effect on consumer
satisfaction in Geprek Juara Chicken, Makmur Medan Branch because the quality
of the products must be improved in taste, durability and product appearance
togain more customers. 2)
service quality variable has a significant effect on customer satisfaction at
Geprek Chicken, Makmur Medan Branch partially because the quality of service
provided by the employees is not in accordance with customer satisfaction 3)
Store Atmosphere variable has a significant effect on consumer satisfaction at
Ayam Geprek Juara, Makmur Branch Medan, because the atmosphere at Ayam Geprek
Juara, Makmur Medan Branch partially and must make the place comportable with
the menu display book available. 4) Product quality, service quality and store atmosphere have a significant effect on consumer satisfaction because it provides customer satisfaction. It should provide good product quality and satisfactory service quality and store comfortable atmosphere so that consumers feel like home that customer satisfaction can be created and they will visit again SOURCES OF FUNDINGNone. CONFLICT OF INTERESTNone. ACKNOWLEDGMENTNone. REFERENCES
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