Article Citation: Dwi Sri Wiyanti, and Taufik Dwi Laksono. (2020). ANALYSIS OF
ON CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH. International Journal of Engineering
Technologies and Management Research, 7(6), 47-57. Published Date: 15 June 2020 Keywords: Concrete Contrete Compressive Strength Cement Superplasticizer Nowadays, concrete is still one of the most used building materials, it had been improved whether in it’s quality or it’s mixture materials. There were a lot of studies that had been conducted to improve concrete that related to the produced compressive strength, stiffening speed, flexibility, etc. There are so many materials that can be used in concrete mixture to improve compressive strength. This study was conducted by using superplasticizer and reducing water amount in concrete mixture and aimed to find out how big it’s effects on the produced concrete compressive strength. Superplasticizer was used as admixture material wtih 1 percentage calculated by cement weight. Whereas water amount in concrete mixture was reduced by 0%, 15%, and 17,5%. The result obtained was that using 1% superplasticizer and reducing 15% water amount in concrete mixture produced optimum compressive strength of 22,98 Mpa.
1. INTRODUCTIONThe level of
infrastructure needs that getting higher must be followed by the capabilty to
meet the infrastructure with those needs. Innovations are continuously
encouraged to provide maximum results for all parties so that the community’s
need for infrastructure can be fulfilled. Infrastructure construction nowadays
whether by the government, the private sectors, or both of them have a positive
impact on the development of construction industries. The use of main
materials in infrastructure construction holds an important role, one of those
main materials is concrete. Concrete is still a part of the main materials
because it has many advantages such as easy to shape, has the ability to
withstand the load that works on it, and others. Concrete can be
use as a structural component such as stairs, beam, foundation, and another
structural component (Wulfam, 2006:2), concrete can also be use as an
architectural component like insulating wall. Day by day innovation on concrete
is developing, for example the use of no-fine concrete where concrete does not
includes sand in it’s mixture (Diarto, 2014:1). Innovation on concrete is not only to
improves it’s quality but also to speed up the time and reducing the cost
needed to acquire the desired concrete. There are many
studies on concrete especially the composition of concrete mixture materials. Rahmat, Irna and Syaiful
(2016:218) in their study conclude
that concrete with liquid addition material by 0,25; 0,4% and 0,6% on the 7th day and 14th day produced greater concrete compressive strength
than normal concrete. Whereas Asrullah
(2019:10) concludes that concrete
compressive strength with sika concrete re-faired mortar addition by 5%
produced 311,89 kg/cm2
greater concrete compressive strength than normal concrete. Syafruddin and
Hastoro (2005:72) in their study that used superplasticizer the result is that reducing
water by 30% and adding superplasticizer by 1,83% able to produce average
optimum compressive strength by 54 Mpa for 30 Mpa planned compressive strength.
Santi Wahyuni Megasari
and Winayati
(2017:117) state that average
compressive strength is improving when adding Sikament
NN by 1,3% and 1.8%. Based on the
above studies that have been conducted, whether material addition or material
substitution in concrete mixture can improve concrete compressive strength.
This study using superplasticizer addition with 1 percentage calculated by
cement weight and water amount reduction in concrete’s mixture to find out how
big it’s effect on the concrete compressive strength. Concrete is a
material that has strong compressive strength but weak tensile strength.
Concrete can still be added with admixture material to change it’s
characteristics whether in fresh concrete form or hard concrete form. As a
building structure, concrete is combined with steel truss to gain high performance
whether as reinforced concrete or pre-stressed concrete (Paul and Antono,
2004:2). According to Ali
Asrono (2010:2), concrete is simply formed from the hardened mixture of cement, water, sand
(fine aggregate), and crushed stone or gravel (coarse aggregate). Sometimes, to
improve concrete quality, an admixture is added. Superplasticizer (a high range water reducer admixture) is very good to improve mixture slick. Nowadays, superplasticizer has
been developed to be able to be used on high-quality concrete and self-compact
concrete. Superplasticizer has high flowability but self-compact concrete does
not show segregation between aggregate and mortar so that able to reach every
mold corner. Some of the uses
of a superplasticizer are facilitate the making of highly liquid concrete,
reducing the need for water (25-35%), and increasing workability, make it greater than ordinary water reducer (Paul
and Antono,
2004:93). According to Venu Malagavelli, Neelakanteswara Rao Paturu
(2012:7), the use of different
superplasticizer will produce significant improvement in the strength
and workability of modified concrete. Ali Hussein Hameed (2012:70), stated that the dosage of superplasticizer increase, the slump flow increases. This is expected because as the superplasticizer dosage increases the fluidity of the concrete also increases. M. Benaicha, A. Hafidi Alaoui, O. Jalbaud, Y. Burtschell (2019:2068), stated that the compressive strength decreases with the increase of the superplasticizer dosage. In addition, the value of Slump flow diameter and Hf/Hi ratio increase with the increase of the superplasticizer. On the other, the increase of superplasticizer decreases the V-funnel flow time, the yield stress, and the plastic viscosity values. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS2.1. CEMENTThe cement that
had used in this study was a cement that produced by PT. Sinar Tambang Artha
Lestari namely Bima Cement. The cement functioned as coarse aggregate and fine
aggregate binder material. 2.2.
The fine
aggregate that had used was collected from Serayu River. Serayu River Sand that
will be used as concrete mixture material must pass the grading test because
that grading test result will be used in concrete mix design production
process. 2.3.
The coarse
aggregate that had used was crushed stones from stone crusher. The coarse aggregate was also grading tested to produce
the concrete mix design. 2.4. WATER
Water is concrete
mixture material that causes a reaction with cement, the water that used must
not contain oil, acid, alkali, organic materials, and any other materials that
can damage concrete. In this case, a drinkable clean water was used. 2.5.
This study used
Sikament NN Superplasticizer. It is a superplasticizer liquid that functioned
to reduce concrete’s water to facilitate producing high initial strength and
final strength, chlorine-free, and in accordance with ASTM C494-92. As superplasticizer it can increase
workability, significantly reducing segregation risk, and normal stiffening
time without retardation. Whereas as water-reducing material it can reduce
water amount up to 20% which will increase compressive strength by 40% in 28
days. Typical dosage rate for use with the combination of manufactured sand/volcanic
sand is 08, % - 2,3 % by weight of cementitious material for norma precast concrete application. (PT. SIKA, 2016) 2.6.
Concrete sample
testing was conducted when the concrete reaching 7, 14, and 28 days of age,
with planned compressive strength by 20 Mpa. The test specimens were
cylinder-shaped with D = 150 mm, and T = 300 mm. The
quantity of the test specimens that had been made were 60 pcs with 15 samples
for each mixture variable. The test specimen
samples that had been made consists of 4 types, they are : 1)
I, a test specimen for normal concrete, were made as many as 15 samples, each
testing used 5 samples at the age of 7, 14, and 28 days. 2)
II, a test specimen for concrete with 1% superplasticizer addition without
water reduction (0%), were made as many as 15 samples, each testing used 5
samples at the age of 7, 14, and 28 days. 3)
III, a test specimen for concrete with 1% superplasticizer addition and 15%
water reduction , were made as many as 15 samples, each testing used 5 samples
at the age of 7, 14, and 28 days. 4)
IV, a test specimen for concrete with 1% superplasticizer addition and 17,5%
water reduction , were made as many as 15 samples, each testing use 5 samples
at the age of 7, 14, and 28 days. 2.7.
Procedure of
study was made to give description and simplify the process of study from the
beginning to the analysis process and result evaluation. Began with preparing
materials and tools, followed by material testing, concrete mixture K 250
planning, concrete mixture K 250 making, and then slump testing (12±2
cm). If the slump
testing did not meet the requirements, then back to concrete mixture making
step. If the slump testing was succeeded, testing object was made, took care
of, tested, and then the analysis and evaluation were carried out. 2.8.
Concrete compressive strength is the amount of load for each unit area that causes concrete
test specimen is destroyed if burdened with certain compressive strength that
produced by compressing machine (SNI 03 1974-1990). The maximum load mass result is legible in
tons. The test specimen were placed/positioned on the machine’s compressive
board centrically. The loading process was slowly done until the concrete is
destroyed. ƒc' = Note : ƒc' = Concrete Compressive Strength (Mpa) P = Maximum Load Weight (N) A = Test Specimen Surface Area (mm2) 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS3.1.
Table 1: Results of Fine Aggregate Gradation Test
Table 2: Results of Coarse Aggregate Gradation Test
The purpose of this examination was to find out the unit weight of sand and
gravel that be used as mixture
material for concrete production. Table 3: Test Results of Serayu sand unit weight
Table 4: Test Result of Gravel Unit Weight
examination was conducted to determine the dry density of the saturated surface
of fine and coarse aggregate to find out the quality of the sand and gravel
that will be used. Table 5: Test Results
of Serayu Sand Density
Table 6: Test Results of Gravel Density
Mud level test is needed to find out the amount of
mud in fine aggregate Table 7: Test Results
of Serayu Sand Mud Level
Based on the material test results, in accordance with Mix Design SK.SNI.
T-15-1990-03, the obtained normal concrete mixture for 20 Mpa
compressive strength were: Table 8: Material
Requirements for normal concrete mixture per m3
Composition of
Concrete Mixture with Superplasticizer and Water Reduction This study was
planned to make as many as 60 concrete samples with several types as follows : Table 9: Type I : Concrete Mix Design per- m3 (normal concrete without superplasticizer)
Table 10: Type II: Concrete Mix Design per- m3 (concrete with 1% superplasticizer)
Table 11: Type III: Concrete Mix Design per- m3 (Concrete with 1% Superplasticizer and 15% water reduction)
Table 12: Type IV: Concrete Mix Design per- m3 (Concrete with 1% Superplasticizer and 17,5% water reduction)
Based on 4 type
of concrete mixture, the obtained results of concrete compressive strength
test were : Table 13: Normal Concrete age of 7 days
Table 14: 1% Superplasticizer Admixture Concrete age of 7 days
Table 15: 1% Superplasticizer Admixture and 15% Water Reduction Concrete age of 7 days
Table 16: 1% Superplasticizer Admixture and 17,5 % Water Reduction Concrete age of 7 days
Table 17: Normal Concrete Age of 14 days
Table 18: 1% Superplasticizer Admixture Concrete age of 14 days
Table 19: 1% Superplasticizer Admixture and 15% Water Reduction Concrete
age of 14 days
Table 20: 1% Superplasticizer Admixture and 17,5 % Water Reduction Concrete age of 14 days
Table 21: Normal Concrete Age of 28 days
Table 22: 1% Superplasticizer Admixture Concrete age of 28 days
Table 23: 1% Superplasticizer Admixture and 15% Water Reduction Concrete age of 28 days
Table 24: 1% Superplasticizer Admixture and 17,5 % Water Reduction Concrete age of 28 days
Based on the
obtained compressive strength of each type and the duration of testing, a table
can be made as follows : Table 25: Test Result
Recapitulation for each type and test duration
Based on table
25, it can be seen that each type have different compressive strength. It can
be seen that Type III concrete compressive strength which is concrete with 1% superplasticizer
and 15% water reduction have the most optimum 28 days of age concrete
compressive strength that is 22,98 Mpa. Whereas Type IV concrete whish is
concrete concrete with 1% superplasticizer and 17,5% water reduction at 7, 14,
and 28 days of age testing have lower compressive strength than Type I concrete
or normal concrete. So, it can be said that concrete addition with 1%
superplasticizer and 17,5% water reduction will produce lower concrete
compressive strength compared to normal concrete compressive strength. 4. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONSBased on research
results and discussion, it can be concluded that superplasticizer addition with
a certain dose or percentage towards cement weight and water amount reduction
in concrete mixture can increase concrete compressive strength. As for water
reduction, 15% of water reduction is the maximum amount to produce optimum
compressive strength because 17,5% of
water reduction produced lower concrete compressive strength than normal
concrete compressive strength. The increase or
decrease in produced concrete compressive strength is not only fully influenced
by superplasticizer addition or water reduction in concrete’s mixture but also
influenced by fine aggregate and coarse aggregate materials that be used. SOURCES OF FUNDINGNone. CONFLICT OF INTERESTNone. ACKNOWLEDGMENTNone. REFERENCES[1] Ali Asroni, 2010. Balok dan Plat Beton Bertulang. Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta [2] Ali Hussein Hameed. 2012. Effect of Superplasticizer Dosage on Workability of Self Compact Concrete. Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol. 05, No. 02, pp 66 – 81, December 2012. [3] Asrullah, 2019. Analisa Kuat Tekan Beton Dengan Menggunakan Sika Concrete Refair Mortar Dan Tempurung Kelapa Pada Campuran Beton K300. Jurnal Teknik Sipil UNPAL, Vol. 9, No. 1, Mei 2019 [4] Departemen Pekerjaan Umum, 1990, Metode Pengujian Kuat Tekan Beton Berdasarkan SNI 03-1974-1990. Badan Standarisasi Nasional [5] Diarto Trisnoyuwono, 2014. Beton Non Pasir, Graha Ilmu. Yogyakarta [6] M. Benaicha, A. Hafidi Alaoui, O. Jalbaud, Y. Burtschell. 2019. Dosage Effect of Superplasticizer on Self-compacting Concrete: Correlation Between Rheology and Strength. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2019;8(2):2063-2069 [7] Paul Nugraha, Antoni, 2004. Teknologi Beton, Dari Material, Pembuatan, Ke Beton Kinerja Tinggi. Andi, Yogyakarta [8] PT. SIKA.2016. Product Data Sheet. Sikament NN. [9] Rahmat, Irma Hendriyani, Moh. Syaiful Anwar, 2016. Analisis Kuat Tekan Beton Dengan Bahan Tambah Reduced Water dan Accelerated Admixture. Info Teknik, Volume 17 No. 2 Desember 2016 (205-218) [10] Shanti Wahyuni Megasari, Winayati, 2017. Analisis Pengaruh Penambahan Sikament-NN Terhadap Karakteristik Beton. Jurnal Teknik Sipil Siklus, Vol.3, No.2, Oktober 2017 [11] Syafruddin, Hastoro, 2005. Pengaruh Pengurangan Kandungan Air dan Penambahan Superplasticizer pada Komposisi Campuran Beton Kuat Tekan 30 dan 40 Mpa. Tugas Akhir FTSP UII, Yogyakarta [12] Venu Malagavelli, Neelakanteswara Rao Paturu, 2012. Strength and Workability Characteristics of Concrete by Using Different Super Plasticizers. International Journal of Materials Engineering 2020, 2(1): 7 -11. DOI: 10.5923/j.ijme.20120201.01 [13] Yudi Risdiyanto, 2013. Kajian Kuat Tekan Beton Dengan Perbandingan Volume dan Perbandingan Berat untuk Produksi Beton Massa Menggunakan Agregat Kasar Batu Pecah Merapi (Studi Kasus pada Proyek Pembangunan Sabo Dam). Tugas Akhir Prodi Sipil Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta [14] Wulfam L. Ervianto, 2006. Eksplorasi Teknologi Dalam Proyek Konstruksi, Beton Pracetak dan Bekisting Edisi I, Andi, Yogyakarta
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