Article Type: Research Article Article Citation: Yakum Reneta Nafu, Wannyuy Kingsly Mofor, and
PALM NUT SHELL- PLASTIC COMPOSITE. International Journal of Engineering Science
Technologies, 4(6), 30-38. Received Date: 26 October 2020 Accepted Date: 20 November 2020 Keywords: Palm Kernel Shell Polyethylene Particle Size Composites Flexural Compressive Test Density Water Absorption Pollution Increasing population levels, booming economy and rapid urbanization have greatly accelerated the municipal solid waste (MSW) in our country; in our cities (Bamenda, Buea, Douala, Yaoundé etc.), poor management of solid waste constitutes an urgent problem: flood, deterioration of the urban environment in the form of air, water, and land pollution. Options like recycling and material recovery for subsequent re-use present enormous opportunities for waste management with economic and ecological benefits, wastes as well as plastic and palm nut shell have not yet been recycled satisfactorily; the performances of palm nut shell-plastic composites of 30% palm kernel shell with particle sizes varying from 1mm to 5mm and 70% of polyethylene were used to produce different samples The effects of palm kernel shell particles’ size on mechanical and physical properties of the new composite were studied by the help of different mechanical (flexural and compressive test) and physical tests (density and water absorption). Results showed a better interaction of polyethylene and palm kernel shell particles at 1mm sieve with compressive stress and water absorption higher at 1mm, ultimate flexural stress and the young’s modulus of the material increased as the particle size of the palm kernel shell increased, relatively higher density were obtained at 3mm of the palm kernel shell (PKS) size.
1. INTRODUCTIONThe increasing amount of Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) in our
country presents greater challenges with respect to proper and sustainable
solutions to manage such generated waste [1]. With the increasing population and economic
activities and also the rapid changing of lifestyles, Cameroon like many other
countries, is faced with greater challenges towards managing solid waste.
Options like recycling and material recovery for subsequent re-use present
enormous opportunities for waste management with economic and ecological
benefits. In recent
years, with growing environmental awareness, agro-fillers (agro-based
waste) are now increasingly used as reinforcing fillers in thermoplastic
composite materials [2], [3]
Industries, shop, super market, hostel and others generate significant
amount of waste of which some are recyclables. One of the most effective
methods that can be applied to get rid and save the world form the
environmental pollution was demonstrated by
Mehdi Seghiri et al. (2017) [4] with the mechanical properties of sand
and plastics composite which was possible to manufactured roof tile from
recycled plastic and sand dune. In Municipal Solid Wastes generated within
Cameroon; plastics, paper, palm nut shell and ferrous/nonferrous metals occur
is significant amounts that serve as a pointer in investigating possibilities
for recycling and recovery of such components, the increasing amounts of MSW
which is fast attracting the attention of researchers and the government,
requires that appropriate sustainable solutions be find out. The use of waste plastics in
the concrete give a good advantage to reducing the weight of it with lower compressive
strength and tensile strength. [5], [6], [7], [8], [9] As economic benefit, the use of biomaterials in general and agro-waste in particular is a subject of great interest nowadays not only from the technological and scientific points of view, but also socially, and economically, in terms of employment and cost [10] Cameroon is endowed with a lot of mineral and agro-based resources that could be used in the development of environmental- friendly composite materials. A number of
automotive components previously made with glass fiber composites are now
being manufactured using environmentally friendly composites. This may be
attributed to low-weight ratio of the composites [3]. Thousands of tons of
different crops are produced but most of their wastes do not have any useful
utilization. The disposable component of harvested agricultural product (palm
kernel) and low-density polyethylene are becoming increasingly problematic in
Cameroon, littering the rural and urban areas of the country, and constituting
a serious threat to environmental health of the nation [11]. Mechanical
properties of plant fibers are much lower when compared to those of the most
widely used competing reinforcing glass fibers. However, because of their low density,
the specific properties (property-to-density ratio), strength, and stiffness of
plant fibers are comparable to the values of glass fibers [12], [13] The purpose of the
research is to explore the potential of using palm kernel shell to reinforces
in polymer matrix composite for the development of new engineering material. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODSPalm kernel
shell (PKS) were obtained from a legally
registered company in Cameroon active in the rubber and oil palm plantation
industry (SOCAPALM) located at SUZA, in the littoral Region of
Cameroon. The kernel shell was then grind using grinding machine and the
particles size (1mm, 3mm, 4mm and 5mm) were selected using four machine’s sieves. The plastic bottle, plastic paper particularly
polyethylene were obtained from the Bambili locality north
west region cameroon. The following specimen composition were being used
Specimens of standard dimensions (cylindrical
Ø60mm, height 200mm) were cast for compressive
strength determinations and prismatic specimens of (40mm x 40mm x 160mm) were
cast for bending strength. All the specimens were cured for a period of 2 days
before test. Each mixture had 15 samples for testing and the total
samples manufactured and tested were 60 2.1. PRODUCTION OF PALM KERNEL SHELL-PLASTIC COMPOSITEThe
composites were produced by melting the plastic using traditional fire,
plastic’s temperature was controlled with a thermometer (TPM-10) and the melting point was 133 Figure 1: samples in melting state Figure 2: Specimens unmold 2.2. COMPRESSION TESTThe compressive test was carried
out using RMU machine, serial 121288 in the civil engineering laboratory at the
Government Technical High School BAMENDA the hydraulic machine press was
consistently applied on the specimen till failure occur to obtain the maximum
load. The compressive strength was
calculated from the maximum load recorded before failure, by. Compressive strength = Fc: force measured from the compression test
machine in N A:
area of the composite specimen in mm2
Figure 3: Specimen on compressive load and failure 2.3. FLEXURAL
The test was
conducted considering the 3-point ASTM
standard using RMU machine serial 1461288. The
maximum stresses absorbed were noted and recorded Figure 4: 3
point bending test Figure 5: flexural testing machine 2.4. WATER ABSORPTION TEST
For water absorption (WA) test, the composites were weighed (W1) before immersing in distilled water at room Temperature. After every 4 hours, the samples were removed and the surfaces were dried up using a dry towel and weighed again (W2). The water absorption (WA) test samples were carried out for 2 days each when all were at the saturation point. The rates of water absorption of each specimen were calculated as follows: Rate of Water Absorption
(WA) = 2.5. YOUNG'S
The Young’s
modulus is determined by determining the maximum deflection of each sample, one
end of the sample is embedded in the flat wood and the force is applied at the
other end of the sample with a jack (cantilever), the deflection is then
measure with a die gauche indicator, having the deflection, the young’s modulus is calculated by applying the formula: Young’s modulus= Where: P= maximum
flexural load L= length of the
sample I= quadratic
moment about z axis Y= deflection 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION3.1. CALCULATION OF COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AND STATISTICAL ANALYSISAverages compressive stress were
obtained from 1mm to 5mm PKS sizes. It was observed that between 1mm and 2.5mm there is a rapid
decrease in compressive stress of our composite, between 3mm and 5mm the stress
variation become very low, the compressive stress can be reinforced by reducing
the particle size of the palm kernel shell. This is due to poor adhesion
between the matrix and the reinforcement. Figure 6 represent the evolution of
compressive strength with respect to the palm kernel shell sizes. Figure 6:
compressive strength vs. PKS sizes Table 1: summarized result
of compressive test
3.2. DENSITYFigure 7 reveals that contents the density of the composite that observed
significant increase firstly as the particle size of the PKS increase, reaching
the maximum density 0.852g/cm3 at 2mm, then drops from 2mm until 4mm
and become constant from 4mm until 5mm. This is due to the present of void in
the composites. Figure 7: densities of palm kernel shell-plastic composites 3.3. FLEXURAL TEST RESULTS ON PALM KERNEL SHELL-PLASTIC COMPOSITES σf =
15 samples tested for flexural showed that the stress increase with the particle seizes of
the PKS, contrary to the compressive strength, the flexural stress can be
improved by increasing the particle sizes of the palm kernel shell; the maximum
stress 0.44 N/mm2 is obtain at 5mm as presented in Figure 8 Figure 8: Plot of flexural stress against the PKS size Results of young’s modulus for palm kernel shell-plastic composites were presented on figure 9. Resulted present
showed a variation of the young’s modulus with respect to the particle size of
the palm kernel shell; hence we observe that the young’s modulus of the
material increases with the size of the palm kernel shell; the maximum young
modulus 1754 N/ mm2 is obtain at 5mm size of the
PKS Figure 9: Plot of Young’s modulus against the PKS size 3.4. WATER ABSORPTIONThe water
absorption rate is higher as seizes of PKS increases; the higher the particle
size, the more the water absorption rate, this is possible due to high porosity
cause by the large size of the kernel particles. The minimum water absorption rate at 1mm sizes of PKS is
attributed to good interfacial adhesion while the maximum water absorption rate
was due to the poor adhesion between the matrix and the reinforcement [14] Figure 9: Plot of water absorption rate against the PKS size 4. CONCLUSIONOur study aims at the influence of different
particle sizes of palm kernel shell on the
mechanical and the physical properties of palm kernel shell-plastic composites.
The results of the investigation show the possibility of using different palm nut
shell particles as reinforces in composites production. The mechanical and the
physical properties were found to be influenced by the particle sizes, The following conclusions can be stated from the findings of the investigations: 1)
compressive stress decrease when the particle size of the PKS increase and the
minimum stress 0.48N/mm2 occur at 5mm size of the PKS. 2)
flexural stress increase with the particle size of the PKS and the maximum
stress 0.44 N/mm2 is obtained at 5mm of the particle size of the
PKS. 3)
percentage of water absorption increase with the PKS size. 4)
maximum density 0.853 occur at 3mm size of the PKS, the density of the composite firstly increases
as the particle size of the PKS increase, reaching the maximum density 0.852 at
2mm, the density drops from 2mm until 3.5 mm and become constant from 3.5mm
until 5mm. 5)
young’s modulus of the material increases with the particle size of the palm
kernel shell and the optimum value obtain is 1754.56 N/mm2 at 5mm size of the palm kernel shell. SOURCES OF FUNDINGThis research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. CONFLICT OF INTERESTThe author have declared that no competing interests exist. ACKNOWLEDGMENTWe would like to thank the Government Technical High School Bamenda, Cameroon where the experimental works Were performed. REFERENCESdoi:10.1016/S0266-3538(03)00096-4
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