Article Citation: M Kranthi Kumar, and Rajan D. (2021).
INDIAN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. International Journal of Engineering Technologies
and Management Research, 8(1), 12-24. Published Date: 31 January 2021 Keywords: Demolition Waste
Management Indian Construction Industry Current Trends Circular
Construction Benefits Barriers In recent times due to the Indian economic growth, there is a surge in construction activities. This surge has led to an excess amount of demolition waste that is produced. According to the Building Material Promotion Council, India generates an estimated 150 million tons of C and D waste every year. Some existing initiatives and the significant stakeholders' involvement have created the demolition waste management systems essential in the building’s demolition phase. The research in the C and D and Awareness program for C and D waste that initiated has led to the implementation of some waste management systems in the building's demolition phase. In India, the amount of demolition waste produced is higher than the construction waste produced while constructing buildings. So, it is essential for the demolition waste mitigation plan in the building's demolition phase. The study aims to know circular construction and current demolition waste management performance in the Indian construction industry. Through literature review, demolition waste management systems that are carried out all around the world are collected. The current practices carried out by different stakeholders practicing in India are known through a questionnaire survey. Data interpretation is made using the data collected in the literature review and the questionnaire survey. This research identified the significant benefits, barriers, and motivation factors to implement the waste management system, and proposing any necessary changes. Designer innovation and BIM deconstruction is considered as one of the barrier-breaking innovation in adopting the circular construction.
1. INTRODUCTIONAccelerated
urbanization, industrialization, and a surge in economic activity put pressure
on the construction industries in an urban area. In 2011 India had 370 million
people in an urban place alone, which has been estimated to be doubled in 2030.
In a recent decade, the Indian construction industry increased at an average
rate of 10% yearly. Additionally, it has also been involved in increasing
India's GDP from USD 20 billion to USD 60 billion in the past decade, 2000 to
2010. It has been estimated that this growth of India’s GDP equals 8 percent[1] This increased growth in India has
encouraged people to build more infrastructure, which leads to the demolition
of the existing building to occupy the present scenario population growth in
the urban place. In today's world, an enormous amount of material is extracted
and consumed. It has been estimated that globally 35 tons of non-metallic
minerals were extracted in 2010. The main constituents are sand and gravel. It
has been found that 6 percent of the global economy is circular. Materials in
structures ought to support their worth, where structures should work as banks
of significant materials and items. It could be possible by decreasing
the amount of raw material used and good planning. Utilization of the 3R
concept in the afterlife of the building could add to the action plan. [2] The waste products in the construction
industry account for 30percent of landfill waste worldwide.[3]According to the Building Material Promotion
Council, India generates an estimated 150 million tons of C and D waste every
year[4] In India, the official recycling
capacity is a meager 6,500 tons per day, just about one percent. Toxic dust
particles from the debris were polluting the air when cities had to reduce
their particulate pollution by 20-30 percent by 2024, under the ongoing
National Clean Air Programme. From 21 billion sq. ft,
the built-up area in 2005 is projected to rise almost five times to 104
billion sq. ft by 2030 (approximately).[1]Demolition is projected to occur in India
from the decade 2020 to 2030[5] Table 1: Circular construction application
paper's main aim is to assess the circular construction impact on demolition
waste management among multiple stakeholders in the Indian Construction
Industry. Some of the significant objectives are to study and compare the
current demolition waste management practices worldwide & India mainly
focused on the circular economy play in its demolition industry and analyzed
the data collected in the literature review and questionnaire survey to assess
the circular construction roleplay in the Indian construction industry. The
research questions are ·
is the present stage of circular construction/closed-loop construction in the
Indian construction industry to handle demolition waste? ·
is the extent of understanding circular construction for demolition waste
management in the Indian construction industry among various Indian
stakeholders? ·
implementing circular construction, what do different Indian stakeholders face
bottlenecks? 2.
is based on collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data gathered in the Indian
construction industry questionnaire survey. Data collection is done through
online sources like an already published research paper, books, conference
proceedings, etc.; Google Forms will be used in collecting the data in a
questionnaire survey to have insight about obstacles faced in adopting the
circular construction during the demolition phase of the building. The purpose of the research is to obtain
knowledge about the present 3R techniques employed by different Indian
stakeholders, and it is achieved through the questionnaire survey. To study
large community actions, the questionnaire survey is always the best option
when data needs to be collected more accurately. The data collected in the literature review
and questionnaire survey are analyzed through the comparative study. From the
comparative analysis, the conclusion and recommendations are drawn to improve
the Indian construction industry. The future scope is derived using the
conclusion and recommendation. The
stakeholders chosen for the questionnaire survey are Architects, Contractors
like Builders, Consultants like MEP, Structural, firefighting, and Networking,
Product manufacturers, and the client. These are some of the essential people
in decision-making power when constructing/designing the infrastructure. No
part of the highway or road development stakeholders is chosen. Only
stakeholders who build the building are chosen. If there are some people or
company practices both in a balanced manner, it is considered. Figure 1: Methodology flow diagram 3.
As this
is a replicated study, the UK's study was tried to implement in India. Fourteen
such papers were very relevant to my research and
collected through online sources from well-known search engines. Moreover, it
was filtered into two papers using specific criteria for reviewing, and
inference is collected to move further in data collection for my research. 3.1. PAPER REVIEW NO.1
Paper 1:
“Pathways to circular construction: An integrated management of construction
and demolition waste for resource recovery.” [2] Authors:
“Seyed Hamidreza Ghaffar,
Matthew Burman, Nuhu Braimah” Research
type: Qualitative research 3.1.1. AIM To
investigate the current practices of UK CDW management and circular
construction (reuse, recycle, and recovery of materials) concept awareness. 3.1.2. METHODOLOGY The
different stakeholders related to the Indian construction field have been
chosen to review the UK CDW management status and circular construction.
Moreover, the 2 main criteria have been taken up for the survey. It follows as
(i) the Obstruction in CDW management and ii)
Directives related to CDW and the concept of 3R in waste management. A review
of data collected in the questionnaire survey has led to better recommendations
for future studies. Figure 2: Methodology flow diagram 3.1.3. INFERENCE For data
collection, the questionnaire was framed in 3 parts: ·
view of the respondents, ·
and sorting of CDW issues. ·
Paper discusses the 3R concept. Some of
the critical topics discussed after the questionnaire review are bottlenecks in
circular construction: Difficulties in CDW recycling and reuse are itemized
according to the questionnaire survey results. ·
of waste material (40 percent) ·
(30 percent) ·
organization, Health and Safety regulations (12 percent) ·
percent of people suggested other reasons Awareness
about UK CDW, circular construction: To
review the awareness questions like "Do you believe that closed-loop
construction gets enough promotion?", "Would your company be
interested in future investments/strategies associated with the circular
economy?" Evaluation
of current practice: Requirement of high skilled labor, high
resources like time, equipment power consumption, treatment of waste before
utilization process associated with this type makes it cost very
high compared to the conventional method CDW
management strategies towards circular construction: ·
rules and regulations ·
building components ·
motivation/encouragement to stakeholders 3.1.4. CONCLUSION Stakeholder
participation, on-site sorting, and logistics are essential aspects that need
to be taken care of. The involvement of various stakeholders, private
companies, and the government must be organized. Marketing for the 3R concept
is not provided to the required amount to reach all stakeholders, and
Artificial intelligence usage in the 3R concept will increase its adaptability.
There is also a requirement of tool and protocol so that investors can compel
that in adopting the circular construction concept. 3.2. PAPER REVIEW NO.2
2: Circular economy in construction:
current Awareness, challenges, and enablers.[6] Authors: Katherine Tebbatt
Adams, Mohamed Osmani, Tony Thorpe, Jane Thornback Research
type: Qualitative research 3.2.1. AIM Investigate
the construction industry viewpoint about recognition, difficulties, and
facilitators in the 3R concept. 3.2.2. METHODOLOGY From
online sources, both the quantitative and qualitative data were collected and
used in the research. The questionnaire survey was conducted for the data
collected from various practicing stakeholders, so both a qualitative and
quantitative approach was made in this research. Results are analyzed and
discussed after the questionnaire survey, from which conclusions and recommendations
are made. Figure 3: Methodology flow diagram 3.2.3. INFERENCE Some of
the principles of CE explained in this paper are listed below, ·
the productivity of materials by doing the same or more with less
eliminating." ·
waste by defining materials as either technical or biological nutrients
enabling them to be within closed material loops; 'waste as food'" ·
or increasing the value of materials, environmentally and economically." 3R
concept in demolition’s recognition, difficulties, and facilitators was
explored by a questionnaire survey with various construction industry
stakeholders. Challengers
in circular construction are interest lack; Supply chain awareness, Circular
economy knowledge lack, Incentives for motivating its usage, end of life issues
in consideration, Recovery mechanism, Unclear financial cases, the low value of
end-of-life products, Fragmented supply chain, and Building complexity. Enablers
in circular construction are awareness-raising campaign, Secondary material
assurance scheme, Case study of best practice, Incentives to use secondary
material, Value of material measure, Design tools and guidance, Technology to
recover the material, Take back scheme viability, Clear business case. From the
result of the questionnaire, three central themes were picked and discussed to
get more clarity. Significant
value in Circular construction: The primary funding may not directly
advantageous, and the end owner may get the advantage. So, knowledge of the
profitability of the 3R concept is required for every party involved. Keeping
the initial cost low may invalidate future value, which is an issue in the
construction industry. Organization
Fragmentation in the construction industry is the major drawback in its
adoption. By exploring the procurement, supply chain management activities,
Collaboration can be improved. Collaboration is a significant factor in
circular construction development. Technical
issues: Technical
issue is considered as one of the significant problems that need to overcome.
By adopting energy-efficient buildings, contemporary methods of construction,
and smart buildings, it can be resolved. 3.2.4. CONCLUSION For
encouraging circular construction usage, the design should consider
adaptability, flexibility, and deconstruction afterlife. The organizational,
technical, and economic issues can resolve by adopting the various frameworks.
For adopting the 3R concept, Feasible take-back schemes, high-value markets,
affirmation schemes for reused materials, ideal case studies, and awareness
programs are some of the facilitators. Stimulant shortage to design for
afterlife issues, technology insufficient in max recovery, and an unclear
financial case are significant difficulties for the UK construction industry.
These are ranked from the survey responses. 3.3. OTHER LITERATURE DATA COLLECTION
a limited lifespan for each building. Few buildings stand for 100 years and
above. After demolition, general possibilities are suitable dependent on
resources like money, surrounding aspects, and some other issues like
conservation orders. [7] ·
Selective demolition. ·
of structure: It some cases, even the foundation/column can be retained, and
the rest will be demolished to start with new construction ·
Destroying the whole building and 3R must be analyzed before the waste ends up
in a landfill Consideration
of reusing the entire building or even a whole house must be adopted to
decrease the environment's negative impact. No waste is produced if a whole
building can be deconstructed and reconstructed elsewhere. It is called
'deconstruction design.' If this is possible, it is taken into consideration
before the building. If so,
there is no possibility of reusing; then the material must be processed for
recycling rather than disposing of the economic value products in a landfill.
Reuse and recycling were divided into three steps: [7] First-order:
For all sorts of metals and glass, first-order recycling is possible.
Steel is the most recycled commodity in the world. Second-order: At times, the purpose it
served before demolition, and after the demolition, it changes. The best
example could be concrete, where the practicality of using the concrete after
demolition could not serve the same purpose as concrete itself. In contrast, it
can be used as some product in the making of concrete. Third-order:
Recycling of the third-order concerns thermal utilization. Not much in
use as a result of environmental contamination. 3.3.2. WASTE GENERATORS AND COMPOSITION
waste generators & small waste generators are two classifications when
talking about demolition waste in India, given in figure 1.4. The high waste
generators are mostly found in big infrastructure projects. The real estate
industry consists of developing homes, industrial and commercial facilities,
the demolition of unauthorized buildings, etc., as retail or small generators,
small industrial businesses, and independent house building teams are
considered. The project activities should be coordinated by all workers
involved at any level for total waste reduction. Numerous
materials come after the building is destroyed. The dirt, asphalt, and concrete
occupy 80 percent. Reclamation will decrease the burden on the procurement of
100 percent of raw material, and some percentage of recycled material will be
used for manufacturing.[9]
primary reason the EU has explored more possibilities in adopting Circular
construction is the Landfill tax imposition, which has encouraged many
stakeholders to adopt this construction type. May be imposing such a strict
landfill tax may encourage the stakeholders to explore more possibilities in
circular construction, which decreases the waste ending up landfill even it
saves economically. Statistically, the UK revenue graph data shows that the
revenue of landfill tax in the past five years has seen a downfall after
attaining its peak in 2014. Table 2: Circular construction initiatives
questionnaire was sent to 200 people approx. Only 79 people have responded to
it, which states that this research has a response rate of 39.5%. The following segment is divided into the
description profile of appellants, knowledge level assessment, and a summary of
the significant obstacles and motivators. 4.1.1. DESCRIPTION OF THE RESPONDENTS The
questionnaire comprised of a profile like Designer (82%), Contractor (8%),
Consultant (8%), the Product manufacturer (1%), Owner/client (1%). 2 demolition
contractors from the Tamilnadu have been interviewed
in telephonic conversation to understand the scenario of India's current
demolition waste management plan. Moreover, these two are members of the Indian
Demolition Association. The
survey has comprised of various work experience of the respondents, i.e.,
0-3years (75%), 3-5years (15%), 5-10years (5%), above 15years (5%). The survey
comprised of responses from various locations, i.e., Northern (20%), Southern
(65%), Eastern (7%), Western (8%). 4.1.2. CIRCULAR CONSTRUCTION PERCEPTION
following table no.3 below, summarizes the questionnaire survey data collected
to analyze the different stakeholders’ perceptions, interests, and knowledge
about the circular construction. Table 3: Questionaries survey weightage
The same
survey was conducted with a member of India's Demolition Association, who has
experienced more than 15 years in the demolition field. He also clearly states
that "the Indian demolition industry is not in much good state as of now,
and it needs much more improvement in upcoming days to decrease the waste
ending up in the landfill." According to him, time Consumption
is the primary factor that is the hindrance in adopting circular construction. Figure 6: Bar chart for
analyzing the status of recycling product Overall,
his words were, "There is much more improvement needed in adopting the
circular Construction,
and it needs to be promoted as much in the engineers and architects' curriculum
for the welfare of society." Some of the crucial questions which provided
a clear idea about our position of adopting waste management are "What
stage are we in the usage of recycled products for New construction?" and
"According to you, what is the major comprise you do when adopting the
demolition waste in your project?". The survey answers for these questions
are summarized in figure Figure 7: Major
constraints in adopting circular construction 4.1.3. OBSTACLES AND ENABLERS OF CIRCULAR
survey participants have been requested to rate the importance of different
obstacles and enablers for adopting circular construction. (for obstacles &
enablers:' 1'-No were matched,' 5'- very closely matched) Significant
Figure 8: Enablers mean
value for different Indian stakeholders Overall
summary - More
than 50 percent of people strongly agreed that proper design tools and guidance
and provided incentives would motivate the most stakeholders in India. Whereas
Agreed one is the material value measurement viability to increase its
reusability. One that is
found neither agreed nor disagreed is the clear business case yet not much in
number, but comparatively, it has a higher percentage of the vote. Some of the
disagreed points are business plans, proper take-back schemes for material, and
the creation of a secondary market. Most
points are agreed/strongly agreed than they disagree/strongly disagree. Only
one has a higher number vote for the strongly disagree that is secondary market
value. Significant
obstacles Overall
summary - One of
the most agreed ones is that the Lack of circular construction knowledge is the
critical reason behind the non-adoption of circular construction. Building
complexity, fragmented supply chain, and recovery market are some of the agreed
points when
Figure 9: Challenging
factors among different stakeholder discussing
circular construction obstacles. Unclear financial case is considered as the intermediate
one, which has been voted high in the significant obstacle in adopting the
circular construction. Low market value and end life considerations are the
disagreed ones in the significant obstacles. Strongly disagreed is the
point which has obtained less vote and that has been made to interest lack. 4.2. DISCUSSION
From the
result, around 50 percent of stakeholders have some idea about what is circular construction. The data collected from the survey
states that some important bottleneck points have to
be addressed for implementing the circular construction in India. It was summed
and classified broadly as Economic issues, Technology issues, Promotional and
organizational issues. Moreover, to conclude the discussion, the required
strategies has been listed for its adoption. 4.2.1. ECONOMICAL ISSUE The
circular construction buildings always possess materials of high value.
However, some critical questions prevailing in the industry are the advancement
of circular construction, which solves the built environment's fiscal issues.
The products' value is highly uncertain once after the end of life, which is
the major drawback in predicting the building's economic value. The
predictability of construction products' value is highly uncertain, making it a
high-risk factor for adoption. The construction product obtained at the end of
life is always low value, making it uneconomical to reuse. Valuation of the
buildings needs to be deeply understood for understanding the construction
product's value at the end of life. Due to this adoption, even though the
environmental harm is reduced, every developer's motivation is to adopt the
profit model only. Like other sectors,
circular construction needs alternative business models to get a viable
economic case solution. The Development of an approach model for fetching
maximum benefits in future use could increase the adoption among different
stakeholders. 4.2.2. TECHNOLOGY ISSUE Viable
technology needs to be implemented to obtain the full benefits of circular
construction. It is considered one of
the significant factors that increase the product's value when
reusing/recycling it in structure. The technology aspect becomes more
challenging for the building, which has not been planned for circularity. This
issue gets intensified when the building chosen for circularity is a unique
building like an intelligent building where lots of small products are used to
adopt the intelligence, which may not be reused or building that has been built
in modern construction ways. For circularity
adoption, durability, workability, and afterlife aspects during designing could
improve the possibility. Knowledge shortness in design, components, and
products used in construction affect the circularity. The material passports
documents usage in the project could increase the adopting possibilities, but
such documents are in the Indian construction industry's blooming stage. 4.2.3. THE PROMOTIONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUE One of
the significant factors behind this organizational issue is the fragmented
nature of the construction industry. The difficulty in the circularity is the
circular material follows within the built environment. The profit obtained in
adoption should be equally spread across the supply chain. Survey findings also
strengthen that there is a lack of an incentive to design an afterlife. From the survey, the organizational issue
faced in adopting the circular construction application is a Comprehensive
approach, facility management, and afterlife approach activities. Moreover,
to increase resource usage efficiency and improve the supply chain, research
has been undertaken. In-depth activity clarity is required for increasing the
circularity in construction. BIM has been considered one of the best solutions
for breaking this fragmentation in the construction industry. A collaboration
that is considered one main facto can be improved and increase the circular
construction adaptability using this BIM. It has more smooth data sharing
capabilities without any lag in transfer instantly. The promotions among the different
stakeholders could increase the adoption. There is a need for improvement in
India as it is found lacking by around 80% of people. It can be improved
through ongoing study or meeting among professionals; attractive incentives
feature to increase its reachability, publishing about environment wealth current status will let every individual understand the
seriousness in its adoption. 4.2.4. REQUIRED APPROACH FOR ADOPTING THE CIRCULAR
CONSTRUCTION IN INDIA Figure 10: Strategies for circular construction adoption Following
are some of the strategies that are required for increasing the circularity in
India ·
enforcement & Flexible regulation ·
competitiveness through creative designs ·
and achievement awards ·
ideas required and possibilities in the current world 5.
significant amount of research has been done on circular construction
applications in the Indian context.
These days, the circular construction idea gathers traction as an
alleged innovative road to sustainable growth.[14] The Indian construction industry has
especially endorsed the definition. Despite the increased publicity and support
received so far, the Circular construction has seen minimal implementation.
Even a few practicing stakeholders also complain about its implementation
process due to many barriers in its usage. At present, no
many good initiatives have been taken practically. The measurement of awareness among the
practicing stakeholders; the issues faced in adopting is also not experimented
with within India. The writer has found
some significant enablers and obstacles (i.e., help in analyzing the circular
construction adoption) faced by different Indian construction industry
stakeholders for adopting circular construction. There is also a need for
government measures concerning identified enablers and obstacles, such as
reducing the subsidies for linear goods, while at the same time increasing the
circularity through such as a reduced value-added tax (VAT), which provide the
CE with a much-needed drive. Some of the findings in the research are ·
initiatives from the government side ·
possibilities of economic and social dimensions of circular construction are
significantly less explored in the Indian context. ·
in material value measurement dimensions, and criteria in circular
constructions, performance check, is not made in India. Circular construction needs to be explored in
terms of an entire building rather than the material level. ·
are no specific targets that have been made by the government to stakeholders
in circular construction. Designer
innovation increases the value of material during reusing or recycling. The
principle of circularity becomes more problematic when it needs to be adopted
in the demolition stage. The Government of India needs to take more initiatives
by collaborating with budding researchers and practitioners to develop India's
circular construction. The waste management department needs to be separate
from the CDW management separately; currently, it is acting as a whole waste
management unit in India—compelling the stakeholders through the appropriate
tools and protocol help in imposing the circular construction in India.
Artificial Intelligence shortly may assist in reducing waste. Techniques like smart or selective demolition
need to be implemented through a law that enhances building components'
reusability. The research can be taken
further for framing the circular construction model framework that solves all
the three issues mentioned in the discussion, which is more applicable in
India. Moreover, that is easily understandable to all the stakeholders so that
there is no hindrance in its adoption. SOURCES OF FUNDING
research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public,
commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. CONFLICT OF INTEREST
author have declared that no competing interests exist. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
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