
  • Serpil SEVİM Istanbul Aydın University, Istanbul, Turkey



Diabetes, Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining


Diabetes is a chronic disorder caused by the inability of the pancreas to provide adequate insulin or to insure the body is not consumable. The height of the headingexperses of diabetes, which is caused by serious complications. After a certain time, there are serious complications such as eye diseases, cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, diabetes, the height of remediation experses and the person who is uncomfortable with the cause of loss of labour, socioeconomic is an important health problem forthecreation of boredom. Diabetes is often manifested by the average age in our ages and in adults. And because of these conditions, early diagnosis is important in diabetes as well as in many diseases. Different chemical tests are performed in blood and urine for diagnosis. In this study, the clinical data of individuals were examined and the data mining techniques were determined to determine whether individuals were diabetic.


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How to Cite

SEVİM, S. (2020). PRE-DETECTION OF DISEASES WITH DEEP LEARNING METHOD AND AN APPLICATION ON DIABETES. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 7(2), 143–155.