
  • Mr.Avinash A.Karad Department of Electronics Engineering, Terna Engineering College, INDIA
  • Prof. Shailja Kadam Department of Electronics Engineering, Terna Engineering College, INDIA



Biometric identification, Response time, Iris codes, multi-model database


In a biometric identification system, the identity corresponding to the input data (probe) is typically determined by comparing it against the templates of all identities in a database (gallery). Exhaustive matching against a large number of identities increases the response time of the system and may also reduce the accuracy of identification. Onaway to reduce the response time is by designing biometric templates that allow for rapid matching, as in the case of Iris Codes. An alternative approach is to limit the number of identities against which matching is performed based on criteria that are fast to evaluate. We propose a method for generating fixed-length codes for indexing biometric databases. An index code is constructed by computing match scores between a biometric image and a fixed set of reference images. Candidate identities are retrieved based on the similarity between the index code of the probe image and those of the identities in the database. The proposed technique can be easily extended to retrieve pertinent identities from multimodal databases. Experiments on a chimeric face and fingerprint bimodal database resulted in an 84% average reduction in the search space at a hit rate of 100%. These results suggest that the proposed indexing scheme has the potential to substantially reduce the response time without compromising the accuracy of identification.


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How to Cite

Karad, A., & Kadam, S. (2016). MUL-TIBIOMETRIC PATTERN RETRIEVAL USING INDEX CODE TO IMPROVE RESPONSE TIME . International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 3(4), 1–13.