
  • Mishel Z. Dib Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUCA)




Energy Efficient Design, Modern Low-Rise Residential Buildings, Architecture, Structural and Technical-Engineering Solutions, Climate Zones


The analysis and evaluation of the features of spatial architecture layout design, structural and engineering solutions of modern energy-efficient low-rise residential buildings have been conducted, taking into account the climatic zoning of the Earth. Research methods are based on a comparative analysis of the modern case studies focuses on the construction of energyefficient low-rise residential buildings. A number of studies have been devoted to the problem of designing energy-efficient passive houses in a climate like Ukraine, but there is still no common typological basis for designing. Further studies have focused on implementing the passive house standard, as well as realized passive house projects have been launched in different parts of the world. This experience is considered as an example of project practices and norms of Europe, Asia, and Arab countries. These examples were grouped by climatic conditions and analyzed from the point of view possibilities of adopting their feasibility solutions to the particular Ukrainian climate and conditions.


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Passive House Institute (PHI), Criteria and Algorithms for Certified Passive House Components: Transparent Building Components, Edited by Passive House Institute. Darmstadt: 2015, 11p., http://passiv.de/

Khalfan M., An Assessment of the Passivhaus Standard for a Hot and Arid Climate: A Case Study in Qatar, Doctoral Thesis in Architecture, England, 2017, 259p. https://livrepository.liverpool.ac.uk/

Dib M., Evaluation of Realized Low Rise Energy Efficient Dwellings in Ukraine, Journal of Architecture News 16, 476-483, 2018

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Matti K., Julia B., Tervakukka Passive House in Tampere. Finland: 2012, 142-145, https://asiakas.kotisivukone.co m/

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Ulla J., Passive Houses in Sweden, From Design to Evaluation of Four Demonstration Projects, Doctoral Thesis in Building Technologies Civil Engineering, Sweden, 2010, 390p., http://www.Ebd.lth.se/

Antonova A., Passive House for Latvia, Energy efficiency and Technical-Economic Aspects, Master of Science, Sweden, 2010, 137p., https://lup.lub.lu.se/

Wolfgang F., CEPHEUS – Cost Efficient Passive Houses as European Standards,. Germany: PHI; 2001, 13-116, http://www.phius.org/

Piotr M., Passive House for Polish Climate, Master of Science, Poland, 2013, 234p., http://ria.ua.pt/

Smirnova N., The Principles of the Formation of Architectural Solutions for Energy-Efficient Residential Buildings, Doctoral Thesis in Architecture of Buildings and Structures, Russia, 2009, 149p., http://www.disserc at .com/

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Camilla B., Architectural Qualities in Passive Houses, International Journal of conference PA SIVHUSNORDEN 2012, October, 2012, 5-14

François G., Max J., Environmental Impacts of Passive Houses. Denmark: Aalborg University; 2007, 86p., http://www.strawworks.co.uk/

Chen C., Residential Passive House Development in China, Master of Science, Stockholm, 2011, 61p., http://kth.d iva -portal.org/

Andrew L., Parametric Analysis of the Potential Effects of Climate Change on the Performance of a House Designed to Passivhaus Standards in Ireland, Master of Science, 2009, 129p., http://www.scanhome.ie/

Merciadri L., Can Passive House Be the Solution to Our Energy Problems, and Particularly with Solar Energy?, Belgium: University of Liège, 2007, 58p., http://hdl.handle.net/2268/19645

Brian F., Rosa S., Duan Z. The PASSIVHAUS Standard in European Warm Climates: Design Guidelines for Comfortable Low Energy Homes, Part 1. Comfort, Climate and Passive Strategies: Passivhaus UK. Germany: PHI; 2007, 41p., http://www.passive-on.org/

Paola L., Jonathan I., Renelle G., Building Passive Houses in Subtropical Climates? A Lesson Learnt from New Zealand, Germany, PHI, 2013, 8p., https://www.researchgate.net/

Brian F., Rosa S., Duan Z. The PASSIVHAUS Standard in European Warm Climates: Design Guidelines for Comfortable Low Energy Homes, Part 1. Comfort, Climate and Passive Strategies: Passivhaus UK. Germany: PHI; 2007, 41p., http://www.passive-on.org/

Tim E., Passive House in the Woods, Konkol Residence - Town of Hudson, WI (USA), Passive House project database ID 1770, Germany, PHI, 2011, 19p., http://www.passivhausprojekte.de/

Ludwig R., Future Megacities in Action. Innovative Solutions for Energy- and Climate - Efficient Urbanization, Germany: Federal Ministry of Education and Research; 2013, 15p.

State Standard of Ukraine, Building Climatology: DSTU-N B V.1.1:27 2010, Ukraine, Ministry for Regional Development, Building and Housing of Ukraine (MinRegion), put on force in 2011, 123p.




How to Cite

Mishel Z. Dib. (2019). EVALUATION OF NATURAL CLIMATIC CONDITIONS IN REALIZED ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDINGS . International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 6(5), 84–94. https://doi.org/10.29121/ijetmr.v6.i5.2019.374