
  • Andriamasimanana Origene Harizofinoana Finances and Corporate governance, Antananarivo University, MADAGASCAR
  • Andriamasimanana Origene Olivier Management sciences docent, Antananarivo University, MADAGASCAR



Control, Formalization, VSE, SME, Procedure


Control mechanisms are the major problem for small companies such as VSEs and SMEs today. A hypothetical-deductive approach was adopted in this research to demonstrate that the more the size of companies changes, the more the degree of formalization of control systems increases. The study based on the case of 25 Malagasy companies through statistical analyses confirmed this hypothesis. VSEs still have great difficulty in implementing a control system that meets their long-term needs due to lack of resources and the use of modern management tools linked to control systems also varies according to their size. Innovation in this sense is necessary to enable small companies to better control their activities and to ensure a very good performance.


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How to Cite

Harizofinoana, A. O., & Olivier, A. O. (2019). FORMALIZATION OF CONTROL MECHANISMS: THE CASE OF SMALL COMPANIES . International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 6(7), 144–155.