Selective Harmonic Elimination, Optimization Of Switching Angles, AI Techniques, Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter, Total Harmonic DistortionAbstract
Considering present shortage of fossil fuels and discharges of ozone harming substances, power developed from Renewable Energy Sources (RES) is identified as the excellent choice for producing the electricity. The characteristic of an inverter is to transform the dc power into ac power to fulfill out the requirements of load. Despite its advantage, the presence of harmonics in the output voltage reduces both the efficiency and the performance of the inverter. Several researches have been carried out since last three decades for eliminating the harmonics. Based upon several researches, it reveals that the Selective Harmonic Elimination Pulse-width Elimination technique (SHEPWM) has proven to be the best in eliminating lower order harmonics. But when calculus based methods are used for solving the non-linear transcendental equations, this technique has shown some complications. Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques appear to be better in solving the above said equations. This review paper provides the performance of some AI techniques used for eliminating the harmonics in inverters. Based upon the information collected from various literatures and its results, conclusion has been made.
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