
  • Dr. Anuradha M. Sandi Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Guru Nanak Dev Engineering Collage, India



VLSI Design, Propagation Delay, Carry Generator, Carry Propagator, Ripple Carry Adder


In processors and in digital circuit designs, adder is an important component. As a result, adder is the main area of research in VLSI system design for improving the performance of a digital system. The performance depends on power consumption and delay. Adders are not only used for arithmetic operations, but also for calculating addresses and indices. In digital design we have half adder and full adder, by using these adders we can implement ripple carry adder (RCA). RCA is used to perform any number of additions. In this RCA is serial adder and it has propagation delay problem. With increase in hard & fast circuits, delay also increases simultaneously. That’s the reason these Carry look ahead adders (CLA) are used. The carry look ahead adder speeds up the addition by reducing the amount of time required to determine carry bits. It uses two blocks, carry generator (Gi) and carry propagator (Pi) which finds the carry bit in advance for each bit position from the nearest LSB, if the carry is 1 then that position is going to propagate a carry to next adder.


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Begum, Mohammed Haseena, and V. Vamsi Mohana Krishna. "Design and Verification Of Low Power And Area Efficient Kogge-Stone Carry Select Adder." In International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, ESRSA Publications, vol. 2, no. 8, pp. 462-467, Aug 2013.

B. Ramkumar, Harish M Kittur, “Low –Power and Area-Efficient Carry Select Adder”, IEEE transaction on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems, vol.20, no.2, pp.371-375, Feb 2012. DOI:

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Y. Kim and L-S Kim, ’64-bit Carry-Select Adder with Reduced Area,” Electronics letters, Vol. 37, Issue 10, May 10, 2001, pp. 614-615 DOI:




How to Cite

Sandi, A. (2019). VERIFICATION OF CARRY LOOK AHEAD ADDER USING CONSTRAINED RANDOMIZED LAYERED TEST BENCH . International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 6(6), 40–50.