
  • Bogachkova L. Yu. Regional Economics and Management School, Volgograd State University, Russia
  • Khurshudyan Sh. G. Regional Economics and Management School, Volgograd State University, Russia



Energy Efficiency, Electric Intensity, Regional Economy, Energy Efficiency Index, Regional Typology, Energy-Economic Development, Structural Changes


Today, the Russian system of accounting energy consumption indicators is being actively developed, the special attention being paid to collecting verified statistical data and methodological grounding of energy efficiency monitoring in the regions. The present paper outlines the approach to estimating structural factor's effect on energy intensity of Russian regions. The approach consists in grouping Russian regions by types of their energy-economic development; studying dynamic characteristics of each group; estimating the intensity of GRP structural shifts; and analyzing statistical interdependence of structural shifts' intensity and energy intensity dynamics across the regions. The paper deals with the first stage of implementation of Energy Strategy of Russia for the Period up to 2030 (over 2005-2014 years). The dynamics of energy efficiency has been investigated using the case of electricity consumption. The results obtained in the present research show the slight impact of structural factor on energy intensity dynamics in the Russian regions, which complies with the earlier obtained results. Thus, over the period 2005-2014 the energy intensity dynamics in the Russian regions could be substantially affected by economic growth, technology modifications and other factors requiring detailed studies.


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How to Cite

L. Yu., B., & Sh. G., K. (2018). STRUCTURAL AND DYNAMIC APPROACH TO ANALYZING THE ENERGY INTENSITY OF RUSSIAN REGIONS’ GRP OVER THE PERIOD 2005-2014 . International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 5(12), 43–59.