Institute of Vehicle Engineering, National Changhua University of Education,
Taiwan R. O. C.
1. INTRODUCTION According to statistics from the National Police Agency Cahyaningtiyas et al. (2016), there were a total of 1,456 vehicle thefts in 2019 in Taiwan. If the traditional access control system is replaced by biometrics, the theft rate may be effectively reduced. With the improvement of people’s awareness of security, there are many ways to verify identity, such as magnetic cards, IC cards, passwords, etc., but this information may be copied, stolen, or forgotten. The biometric method uses the characteristics of the human body for identification, and there is no need to carry any items, which improves the convenience. The main focus of the study was on the application of deep learning using YOLO v3 proposed by Joseph Redmon et al. in 2018 Hendry & Chen (2019), which was an improved version of YOLO v2. It solved many previous problems and speeded up in terms of the AP index. YOLO v3 is 1.9 times faster than v2 Joseph et al. (2016). Pu Lia et al. proposed the research of comparing several different object detection algorithms in 2019 Joseph et al. (2016), which compared the detection data of Faster-RCNN, R-FCN, SSD and YOLO v3 for fire images. The results showed that the average of YOLO v3’s accuracy was as high as 83.7%, and the frame rate reached 28 FPS, which was higher than other algorithms. In the actual application part, Hendry et al. proposed the application of YOLO deep learning to automatically recognize license plates in 2019 Joseph & Ali (2017), using only 7 convolutional layers to detect a single category of targets, and also tested the system with different complexity conditions, for example, rainy background, dark or dim, and different tones and image saturation. The system achieved a 98.22% accuracy rate of license plate detection. In terms of face unlocking, Zhiguo Zhu and others proposed a face smart door lock system using OpenCV in 2020 Joseph & Farhadi (2018). They mentioned that the current smart door locks usually used fingerprints to unlock, but when the fingerprint was wrong, a password was still used to unlock. The password was relatively insecure, so face recognition was used to replace the password. It also mentioned that when the amount of data in the database increased, the error rate would decrease and the accuracy would increase. They proposed an efficient posture tracking algorithm that allows the accuracy to reach the level of 94.5%. In recent years, people's demand for security has increased, and various access control methods are gradually being developed. Cahyaningtiyas published a fingerprint access control system with integrated attendance records and user privileges in 2016 Lu, R. (2019), mentioning that many spaces held many important assets that were at risk when left unattended. The study used Arduino and optical fingerprint reader to build a database of privileged users and added an attendance record system to simplify the management of lab access records, taking into account both security and convenience. With the evolution of the times, fingerprint recognition technology has flourished since the 1960s Pu & Wangda (2019), and the number of places where fingerprints are used has increased gradually in modern times, such as cell phones, laptops, customs clearance, and even identification at crime scenes. There are many types of fingerprint readers, and they are divided into capacitive and optical types according to the extraction principle. Capacitive sensors are many tiny capacitive arrays, and the fingerprint bumps and depressions differ in capacitance to achieve the recognition effect by using the difference in electrical capacity. The advantages are its small size and easy to install in small devices. The disadvantage is that the degree of wet and dry fingers will affect the results and the cost is higher. The optical type is based on an optical transmitter that projects light through a triangular prism or other reflective surface to reflect the fingerprint, and then allows the photoreceptor to capture the fingerprint image. The advantages are high durability and good adaptability to dry and wet fingers, but the disadvantage is its large size. In this study, the optical type was used as the fingerprint reader in the experiment. When searching for related information or literature review, it is seldom to see the research that combines the two methods of face recognition and fingerprint recognition. Therefore, the integration of the two recognition methods was used in this study. In order to improve the security of the car door lock system, two verification methods were used to improve the reliability of the car door lock: facial recognition and fingerprint recognition. An embedded computer (NVIDIA AGX Jetson Xavier) was used as the identification system. A camera was used to capture the face images. The fingerprint recognition part uses an optical fingerprint sensor. After registering the fingerprint of the authorized person, a fingerprint database can be established. When the finger is pressed on the fingerprint sensor, it will determine whether the fingerprint matches the fingerprint in the database. Finally, the two signals are integrated with the door lock to achieve the purpose of double verification. 2. METHODS This section introduces the principles of YOLO convolutional neural network for face recognition and fingerprint recognition. 2.1. YOLO (You Only Look Once) Overview YOLO (You Only Look Once) was first proposed by Joseph Redmon et al. in 2016 Zhu & Cheng (2020), and compared with other previous object detection methods. YOLO v1 was the first time that the task of detection was done in an end-to-end form, increasing the speed of many computations. However, one of the drawbacks was the large error in the position of the box, and the fact that v1 divided the image into 7x7 grids, each grid only detected 2 box candidate areas, which made the speed much higher, but at the same time the recall rate was very low, and many smaller targets would be missed. As shown in Figure 1 [9], the framework of YOLO v1 first adjusts the image to 448x448, and then the image is imported into the neural network. The structure consists of 24 convolutional layers, 4 max pooling layers, and 2 fully connected layers. Figure 1
In 2017, YOLO v2 has been proposed [10], and based on v1, three parts of training, grid structure and database have been enhanced [9], the authors proposed the Darknet-19 architecture by removing the fully connected layer from the v1 version and replacing it with a fully domain-averaged pooling layer, which consists of 19 convolutional layers and 5 maximal pooling layers in the whole neural network, and adjusting the input size from 448x448 to 416x416 and increasing the feature size to 13x13, improved the recall rate. As shown in Figure 2, after various enhancements, YOLO v2 was able to achieve 76.8% mAP at 76FPS and 78.6% mAP at 40FPS in the VOC2007 database, which improved the speed. Figure 2
YOLO v3 version was proposed in 2018, this version is also the last one proposed by the original author Joseph Redmon and others, v3 was changed from the Darknet-19 architecture of v2 to the Darknet-53 architecture, starting with a 32-filter convolutional kernel, followed by five sets of repeated residual units (resblock_body), each consisting of a single convolutional layer and a repeated convolutional layer, with the repeated convolutional layers for a total of 52 layers, and the last fully concatenated layer is changed to a 1x1 convolutional layer for a total of 53 layers. Compared with Darknet-19, Darknet-53 adds more layers, so the speed is much slower, but it can still process 78 images per second [3]. YOLO v3 maintains a higher performance compared with other ResNet of the same precision. During deep learning training, an equation is needed to evaluate the various losses in detection, such as the center marker, the width and height of the prediction boundary, the category, and the confidence index [9]. The first row represents the offset prediction of the model Bbox (bounding box), where S is the number of grids, B is the box, 1_(i,j)^obj means if there is a target in the box, its value is 1, and vice versa is 0, b_* represents prediction true, b ̂_* represents ground true, the second and third rows are the confidence score prediction and class prediction of the model. The category prediction is changed to a binary cross entropy (BCE) loss function, where 1_(i,j)^noobj means that if there is no target in the box, its value is 1, and vice versa is 0. The loss function can be expressed as follows. loss= The performance of the model after YOLO training is mainly
evaluated by common metrics such as IoU and mAP [9], IoU (Intersection over
Union) is the intersection of the predicted range and the union of the object
marker range during image detection, in other words, it is the overlap between
the marker position and the predicted position of the model in the training image,
and its value is from 0 to 1. The most common threshold value is 0.5, and when IoU > 0.5 it means that the model can correctly detect
the objects. and the formulation of IoU can be expressed as follows.                                                                                                                                   (2) mAP (Mean Average Precision) is a common metric for evaluating models, where AP (Average Precision) is the average precision of a target, and mAP is the average of the APs of all targets in the model. 2.2. Principles of fingerprint recognition Fingerprint recognition technology is a biometric identification technology, which is a set of fingerprint image acquisition, processing, feature extraction and comparison modules of the pattern recognition system. Fingerprints are lines formed by the bumpy skin on the end of the fingers of primates, and these lines are also imprinted on objects. Fingerprints are characterized by details such as starting points, ending points, triangular points, and bifurcation points. Since fingerprints are different for each person, and different fingers of the same person have different fingerprints. Fingerprint identification is done by comparing these detailed features. The human fingerprint contains a large number of messages, called fingerprint features. There are many feature points, which provide separate identification information and are the basis for fingerprint recognition. There are general features, local features, and the general features in the fingerprint as shown in Figure 3. These include the center point (the progressive center of the fingerprint), the triangle point (the point where two or three lines meet), the bifurcation point (the point where one line bifurcates into two lines), and the number of lines (the number of lines in the fingerprint); the local features are the details of the fingerprint, the direction, curvature, and location of the nodes at the feature points, which are important indicators to distinguish different fingerprints. Figure 3
There are many ways of fingerprint recognition, such as optical, capacitive, etc. These recognition technologies have their own advantages and disadvantages. The optical type mainly relies on light sources, triangular prism. CMOS and other units use light to irradiate the finger to make fingerprints appear, and then through the CMOS to capture fingerprint images for processing. The advantages are lower cost, high durability, and better adaptability to wet and dry fingers. The disadvantage is the larger size. The capacitive type is scanned by the charge change of fingerprints or pressure difference, and the sensors have many tiny capacitive arrays. The difference in capacitance between the raised and depressed areas of the fingerprint is used to identify the difference in capacitance, the advantage is that it is small and easy to install in a small device. However, the disadvantage is that it affects the result when the finger is wet or dry, and the cost is higher. Table 1 shows the comparison of different fingerprint recognition devices. Table 1
 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS This section introduces the experimental setup, experimental procedures and results. 3.1. Face recognition In this experiment, the face recognition part has been done using deep learning with a large amount of image data needed for training. First, the face images of three people were taken in the experiment for different angles of the face. The total number of the face images is 3000. After finishing the image collection, each image needs to be manually labeled. LabelImg software was used for labeling in this experiment. Then corresponding txt files were generated for each image. There are five values in the file, namely class, x, y, w, and h, where x and y are the center coordinates relative to the image width and height, and w and h are the ratio relative to the image width and height. Finally the cfg files for training were set up as shown in Figure 4. The deep learning controller is used for training, and the detailed specifications for the deep learning controller are shown in Table 2. Figure 4
Table 2
The deep learning model was set to train 400000 times. After the training, the Loss and IoU would be output in graphical way. The Loss value is the loss function of the model, and the smaller value means the less loss as shown in Figure 5. The Loss value is very large at the beginning of the training, but it starts to decrease obviously after 10,000 times, and finally it is close to 0. Figure 5
IoU (Intersection over Union) is another index to judge the training of the model, which is to measure the degree of overlap between the predicted position of the model and the actual position of the object. When the degree of overlap is high, the IoU value should be close to 1 as shown in Figure 6. As the number of training times increases, the IoU gets closer to 1 and stays mostly above 0.8 by the end of training. Figure 6
After the training, the deep learning model was used for photo, video, and real-time verification. In the real-time verification, the faces of three people were detected as shown in Figure 7. It can be seen that the three people could be detected with 100% confidence. Figure 7
3.2. Fingerprint recognition This experiment used an optical fingerprint reader combined with an Arduino to control the desired device.The fingerprints of each person were registered. There were three people in this experiment, and each person registered two fingerprints. When an authorized fingerprint was detected, the ID and confidence level of the fingerprint would be displayed. However, when a unauthorized fingerprint was pressed on the reader, "unauthorized fingerprint" would be displayed. The identification light was installed on the door panel. The white light is on when the identification is correct and the red light is on when it is incorrect for the user to observe as shown in Figure 8 and Figure 9. Figure 8
Figure 9
3.3. Integrating face and fingerprint recognition After completing the face recognition and fingerprint recognition experiments, the two recognitions were integrated into the smart car door lock system. The signal output from the GPIO of NVIDIA jetson AGX Xavier was connected to the Arduino.The face recognition signal pin was set to facepin. The fingerprint recognition signal pin was set to fingerpin, and the door lock relay signal pin was set to lockpin. When both facepin and fingerpin are 1, the signal would be output to the lockpin to make the relay operate and open the door lock. The platform of the smart car door lock system is shown in Figure 10. After turning on the system, the current status of the camera could be displayed on the screen. When the face in the database was detected, the terminal window would show true and output the signal. On the other hand, when the fingerprint reader was pressed and detected correctly, the white light on the door panel would light up and send out a signal. When both signals were 1, the relay would open the smart car door lock. Figure 10
4. CONCLUSIONS This study was to design a smart car lock system that combines face and fingerprint recognition. Nowadays, the door lock system usually uses keys, cards, etc.; higher-level ones may have either fingerprints or face recognition to operate. The smart door lock systems integrating face and fingerprint recognition were rarely used. So based on biometric identification, a smart car door lock system was developed. The experiment was mainly divided into several stages. First stage was to use the YOLO neural network for face recognition. To build the face recognition system, face images from three participants with various angles and different background were used for training the deep learning system. Second stage was to build the fingerprint recognition system. The final stage was to combine these two systems into the smart door lock system. The results showed that the smart door lock system could operate correctly.  CONFLICT OF INTERESTS None. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS None. REFERENCES Cahyaningtiyas, R., Arianto, R. & Yosrita E. (2016). Fingerprint for Automatic Door Integrated with Absence and User Access, 2016 International Symposium on Electronics and Smart Devices (ISESD). 26-29 Hendry, R. & Chen, C. (2019). Automatic license Plate Recognition via sliding-window Darknet-YOLO Deep Learning, Image and Vision Computing. 87, 47-56. Joseph, R. & Ali, F. (2017). YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).6517-6525. Joseph, R. & Farhadi, A. (2018). YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement, arXiv,1804-1812. Joseph, R., Santosh, D., Ross, G., & Ali, F. (2016). You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection, arXiv., 1506-1512. Lu, R. (2019). AP/mAP/IoU? [Transcription] Pu, L. & Wangda, Z. (2019).Image Fire Detection Algorithms Based on convolutional Neural Networks, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering., Article 100625. Zhu, Z. & Cheng, Y. (2020). Application of Attitude Tracking Algorithm for Face Recognition Based on OpenCV in the Intelligent Door Lock, Computer Communications. 154,390-397.     Â
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