Motion detection in a video sequence using background subtraction by 3D statistical modeling in the visible spectrum: home surveillance camera Ali Ouchar Cherif 1, Mankiti Fati Aristide 2, Mbaiossoum Bery Leouro 3, Abakar Mahamat Ahmat 3 1 Institut National Supérieur des Sciences et
Technique d’Abéché, Tchad 2 Ecole
Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de l’Université
Marien NGOUABI, Congo Brazzaville 3 Université de Ndjamena, Tchad
1. INTRODUCTION In this article, we present a background subtraction method based on 3D statistical modeling of the image in the visible spectrum. This method takes into account variations in brightness and color due to lighting conditions or shadows, as well as changes in camera orientation or perspective. It is particularly suited to surveillance applications using fixed or moving cameras in outdoor or indoor environments. There is a wide range of methods available, but this one has been tested on several image sequences from public databases Benabbas Siavosh (2012), Wu and Nevatia (2006). The results show that the method is capable of efficiently detecting moving objects in a variety of scenes, with a low false positive rate and good robustness to changes in lighting and background. The aim of this research work is to highlight the movement of a person in a video sequence. To achieve this, we will: · Review existing methods for detecting moving objects; · Justify the choice of moving object detection method in terms of the socio-economic context and other existing methods in the literature; · Implement the chosen detection method with a real case of a moving person. · Discuss the results with other results from previous work. Finally, in the conclusion, we outline the prospects for integrating our work into the recognition of suspicious movements in a video sequence. 2. METHODS AND MODELING The selected method will be used in the context of a surveillance camera system. 2.1. State of the art It is essential to justify the
choice of this method after a comparative study of the advantages and
disadvantages of other existing methods or approaches. There are various
algorithms in the literature which have been designed to model everything
static, eliminate shadows, and reward background evolution. The performance of
these algorithms in estimating a more robust background varies from one to
another. Table 1
Of all the methods studied and
compared in the table above, few meet all the requirements and needs of the
objective we have set. Hardware constraints preclude
the use of three-dimensional information or infrared imaging equipment. Thus,
thanks to their low complexity and reasonable processing time, two different
approaches were finally selected: background subtraction (SAP) by statistical modeling (3D visibility) and motion detection by difference
of consecutive images. The latter method, while having a definite advantage in
terms of initialization, suffers from certain limitations on the classification
side, ultimately favoring the selection of the 3D
statistical modeling background subtraction method in
the visible spectrum, whose advantages are Kovac and Solina (2003) , Gobeau (2007) · Detection of moving objects in a complex, dynamic scene, taking into account variations in lighting, shadows and background changes; · 3D statistical modeling of the background, based on a robust estimation of the parameters of the multivariate Gaussian distribution for each pixel. This modeling makes it possible to adapt to background changes and reduce false positives; · Operation in the visible spectrum, without the need for infrared or thermal sensors, reducing system costs and complexity. 2.2. Study model: Background subtraction using statistical modeling Background subtraction
simplifies further processing by locating regions of interest in the image.
Based on a model of the environment and an observation, the aim is to detect
what has changed. In the context of this work, regions of interest are those
areas of the image where there is a high probability that a person or object is
present. The algorithm used for
background subtraction by statistical modelling comprises three important
steps: initialization, motion extraction (foreground) and model update. 2.2.1. Initialization The first step is to model the
background from the first N frames (N ≈ 30) of a video sequence. An
intensity average is then calculated from these images for each pixel and for
each channel (R, G, B). The intensity average of a given pixel is then reduced
to the following equation: Where Ii is the ith initialization image, N the
number of images used and c the channel channel
selected. The next step is to calculate
the standard deviation σ for each pixel (and for each each channel) to be used as a detection threshold. This
operation usually involves storing the first N images. However, a
modified equation to circumvent this constraint incrementally and thus reduce
memory of memory space. To achieve this, two accumulators are used: S(x, y) to store the sum of the
pixel intensities, and S(x, y) to store the sum of the pixel
intensities. store the sum of pixel intensities and SC(x,
y) to store the sum of squares. Standard deviations can then be
calculated using equation (2) Cucchiara
et al. (2001):
(2) Moreover, it's interesting to
note that S(x, y) can be reused for
averaging, which avoids additional, superfluous operations. 2.2.2. Foreground extraction In order to extract motion in an image, the background pattern must
first be subtracted from it. Each pixel, whose difference in absolute value
exceeds the value α × σ, is then classified as a moving pixel.
In the previous expression, the variable α represents a certain
fraction of the standard deviation σ. In practice, this parameter
lies in the interval [2.0,4.0] and depends on the desired level of
exclusion. A binary motion mask can then be generated for each channel using
the equation below [14]: (3) Where mc(x,
y) represents the motion mask for channel c and Ic(x,
y) the input image to be analyzed. to be analyzed. The equation mc(x,
y) represents the calculation of the motion mask for a single channel. To use this algorithm with the 3
(RGB) channels of the images used, the individual must first be
generated independently and then combined using a logical OR operator. As a
result, if motion is detected for a pixel in a single a pixel in a single
channel, this will be sufficient to modify its state. The following equation
represents this combination, producing a single-channel motion mask Cucchiara
et al. (2001): (4) Once this operation has been
completed, certain mathematical morphology operations [14] must be applied to
eliminate noise and false detections. To achieve this, two (2) erosions and two
(2) dilations are applied respectively in this order to the motion mask.
Finally, the input image is combined with the mask to produce a three (3)
channel (foreground) image containing only those pixels representing motion.
This operation can be summarized in equation (5): (5) Where F(x,
y) represents the foreground image and I(x, y) the input
image. The two images are combined by pixel-by-pixel multiplication for each
channel. 2.2.3. Updating the model During the acquisition period,
certain regions of the scene may undergo lighting changes, making it essential
to update the statistical background model. Thus, a gradual change in
brightness (e.g., sunrise) will be incorporated into the model and will not be
considered as motion. To achieve this, foreground extraction is performed with
the current image, generating a motion mask M. The background model is then
updated from the complement of M, i.e., using all pixels that are labeled as part of the background. Abrupt changes in the
image are therefore not added to the model. Equation (6) illustrates this
updating process Cucchiara
et al. (2001): (6) Where µ'(x, y)
represents an updated average background pixel and η the
learning rate. The expression Ic(x, y).M̅(x, y) represents
the static pixels of the current image, i.e. those for which no change is
associated Sigal
and Athitsos (2000). In order not to radically alter
the background model, only a fraction η of the temporary
image Ic(x, y).M̅(x, y) is used. In
practice, this learning rate can take values in the range [0.05, 0.25]. The
higher the value of this parameter, the faster the changes will be integrated.
This is equivalent to quickly forgetting the model built during the
initialization phase. We recommend using relatively low values (e.g., 0.05). Finally, the standard deviation
is not adjusted or updated while the algorithm is running (i.e., once
initialization has been performed), in order to reduce
the amount of computation required. However, some further experiments should be
carried out to verify the usefulness and impact of this update on the results Sigal
and Athitsos (2000). 3. THE TOOLS WE USED We used a number of tools and
techniques to prepare our Code::Block IDE platform, so
that we could carry out manipulations on image sequences. 3.1. MinGW (Minimalist GNU for Windows) This is an adaptation of the GNU
development and compilation software (GCC-GNU Compiler Collection) for the
Win32 platform. Unlike other applications, programs generated with MinGW don't
need an intermediate compatibility layer (in the form of a DLL (Dynamic Link
Library)) Gobeau (2007). 3.2. CMakesFiles It is mainly used to facilitate
compilation and link editing, since in this process the final
result depends on previous operations. The language system used in Cmakefiles is declarative programming. Unlike imperative
programming, this means that the order in which instructions are executed is
irrelevant Gobeau (2007). 3.3. CODE::BLOCKS This is our free, cross-platform
IDE (Integrated Development Environment). It is written in C++ using the wxWidgets library. For the moment, Code::Blocks
is C and C++ oriented, but it can also be supported by other languages. 3.4. OpenCv (Open-Source Computer Vision) OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) is
an open-source library of computer vision algorithms algorithms,
and is available for the C, C++, and Python languages. With this library, you can load,
display, and modify images, work with histograms and apply basic
transformations (thresholding, segmentation, morphology...). OpenCV is made up of 5 different
libraries: CV, CVAUX, CXCORE, HIGHGUI and ML. HIGHGUI, for
example, enables file manipulation and the display of a graphical interface,
while ML enables data classification. There are many applications for this
library, such as computers unlocked by facial recognition, or object tracking
on video. Using OpenCV, it is possible to control a machine by eye movements
and blinks for disabled people, and so many other possibilities Gobeau (2007) et Benabbas Siavosh (2012). 4. IMPLEMENTATIONS OF THE BACKGROUND SUBTRACTION DETECTION METHOD We have chosen and studied the
best method among those detailed in the state of the art to implement, lead a discussion,
and underline the importance of this chosen method. Detecting people in video
sequences involves determining, for an image or sequence of images, whether
people are present, and if so, their position. It can be used to identify
moving objects in the background of a video sequence. It is a necessary segmentation
technique, often widely used in computer vision. Most vision algorithms regard
this step as a necessary pre-processing step, the aim of which is to reduce the
search space and improve the computational cost performance of an application
(possibly recognition or tracking or detection) at a higher level of
abstraction. More specifically, this step is needed for object tracking, human
action recognition, video surveillance, fall detection and so on. There is a
range of object detection methods based on the background subtraction
technique. Object detection using this technique involves the subtraction of
two images, the current image and the image representing the static part(s) of
the scene Viola
et al. (2005). One of the major problems with this technique is how to automatically
obtain a background of the static scene that is as robust as possible to
changes in lighting, shadows, and noise present in the video sequence. 4.1. Studied technique The reference image can be the
average of the N previous images in the sequence (publicly available). To
calculate this image, we create an array of buf
images into which we copy these N images. This array has a fixed size, contains
N monochrome images and the ith buf[i] image can be manipulated
like any other image Zhao
et al. (2006). To read or write these images,
we declare an integer last indexing time t: buf[last]
is thus the current image. Once the first N images of the buf
array have been stored (buf[i]
for i ranging from 0 to N-1), the N+Ist
image of the sequence is stored at the beginning of the array, overwriting the
old value of buf[0], the next image at t=N+2
overwrites buf[1] etc......The image of the sequence
is therefore stored at position last +1 modulo N of the buf
buffer. The sum of the N cvAcc images is calculated
first, which requires a 32-bit coded image to store this intermediate result.
This image is then divided by the integer N, and
converted into an 8-bit coded image Zhao
et al. (2006). 4.2. Implementation diagram Modeling the background of a scene using the method proposed by [15]
has become an increasingly popular reference in the field of moving object
detection. This method is robust and effective in a large
number of use cases, including dynamic backgrounds (such as foliage,
fountains, seashores, flags...) and slight changes in illumination Kim
et al. (2005). The first observation of this
algorithm is that false detections are generally located in dark areas of the
image. Dark (and therefore less luminous) colors are
inherently more difficult to differentiate, leading to greater uncertainty as
to their final classification (background or shape). We therefore assume that
brightness should be an important factor when comparing color
ratios between two pixels Sigal
and Athitsos (2000). 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ver time, we also observe that the color of a given pixel is distributed on a straight line aligned with the origin (0,0,0). These observations motivate the creation of a new color model enabling separate evaluation of color distortion and pixel brightness. Figure 1
5.1. Disucssion The images obtained from the
results of the moving average detection method give us five images, including: Image a) is made up of two images considered as reference images at
two different times: at time t, when no moving person is detected, and at time
t+1, when a moving person is detected in the scene. The difference between
these instants will enable us to average the image acquired later between the
image at time t and that at time t+1. Image b) is the grayscale-transformed image. The purpose of
grayscale image transformation is to convert color
images into binary images where luminance and chrominance are zero. Image c) shows the average of the difference between the reference
image at time t and that at time t+1. Our objective here is to see nothing on
this image, whereas in reality we have detection
activities. By averaging the images at time t and time t+1, we call up a
specific function in the OpenCv library to cancel out
the set of moving pixels, so we'll have an image with no mouth; called the
image of the image average. Image d) is obtained after detection of the image mean, as shown in
image c), the result is binarized and thresholded. We
can see the person after detection, binarization and thresholding, but with a
spot that does not allow us to specify the person as in the other cases. On the other hand, the presence
of a shadow can lead to false detection in certain
cases: the presence of a shadow is considered as a second person. For good
vision, we need to eliminate the presence of the shadow using the manual
thresholding method, while adjusting the desired thresholding level as a
function of the cursor. 5.2. Eliminating shadows Shadows can sometimes be
generated by the effect of light sources on moving objects, as shown in the
images from our various experiments. These special cases can produce
inconveniences, for example when matching parts between two regions, as shown
in images c) and d) of figure 1. However, shadows are not too
disturbing in a face recognition context, as they can be easily eliminated by a
masking operation. On the other hand, whole-body
methods of individual detection will suffer enormously from these side effects.
Some techniques, however, can solve most or all of
this problem. These include the Gomez
and Morales (2002) method discussed above in Mikiæ et al. (2000) and that of Benezeth et al. (2008) which uses the color information obtained
from HSV to eliminate shadows. In principle, a shaded background should have the
same color at lower brightness. Apart from the undeniable
advantages of eliminating shadows, it should not be forgotten that false
detections can occur during this additional phase. However, in the current
project, it's better to remove unnecessary areas than to see false detection,
which will multiply the number of false alarms. 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In this work, we focus on one of
the major problems of motion analysis in an image sequence: the detection of
moving objects in simple scenes. This method can efficiently detect motion in
complex scenes, taking into account variations in color, brightness and orientation. It can be used for
surveillance applications requiring robust and accurate motion detection. After reviewing the literature,
we had to justify the choice of a background subtraction detection model, the
one selected. An implementation of this model was carried out on various video
sequences. In the case of fast motion, the background subtraction method is
recommended. It should be noted that, for greater efficiency, two or more
methods could be used in conjunction with image segmentation methods, which
have not been used in the present work. Remember that this work is the
first phase of a project to recognize suspicious moving objects in an
image. This goal opens
up the following perspectives: ·
Search for a single
method for the detection of moving objects for both types of motion (slow and
fast). ·
Applying detection
methods to sequences with dynamic backgrounds; ·
Study object motion
tracking in video sequences; ·
Study object
recognition after detection and tracking. ·
Applying computer
science to image matching, which is a key stage in many computer vision and
photogrammetry techniques, whether for image registration, position estimation,
shape recognition, image indexing or three-dimensional recognition, in
terrestrial, aerial or satellite imagery.
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